Vallecamonica (BS)
Founded: 1947
The year was 1947 and at that time the Chamber of alpine Vallecamonica was called "Section Camuna" by an official document of the time, kept in the archive of today at the Chamber of Breno Vallecamonica ANA, is also writing a handful of No. 9 (nine) of the City of Alpine Braone.
It follows already from that date until the establishment of the Group's Alpine Braone were active elements in the associative context of "Section Camuna.
To desire, necessity, or simply for reorganization in February 1972 was founded the Alpine Group Braone with its own autonomy and a branch office in the country.
The Group now consists of 34 members: 20 members 14 members and aggregates Alpine.
The Group now consists of 34 members: 20 members 14 members and aggregates Alpine.
The Alpine Group Braone the late 1980 Commission established the Refuge Management , currently chaired by Giuliano Facchini.
La Commissione è preposta alla gestione di una bella struttura, in località Monte Foppe di Sopra, di proprietà del Comune di Braone. Anche se tutti lo chiamano affettuosamente "rifugio", lo stabile non è ufficialmente un rifugio e quindi non viene gestito con i crismi dovuti alla gestione di un vero rifugio; molto più semplicemente è utilizzato dagli escursionisti e dalle piccole comitive come un piacevole e solido riparo e come punto di riferimento per ristorarsi e riposare.
Va comunque detto che, vista l'imponenza della struttura, è molto di più di un semplice bivacco. Per chi volesse utilizzare il "rifugio" è possibile prenotare l'uso della struttura, incluso il accommodation, by contacting the City of Braone, or the responsible management of the Commission.
The "refuge" is
located in the beautiful scenery of the locality Monte Foppe di Sopra ( pictured right) at an altitude of mt. 1979 and is on two floors. Upstairs are located the premises for the work of the refuge. As you enter you are in a large room that serves as a corridor, where guests can also lay down their equipment.
is accessed then the place for a kitchen and dining room, here you can find a large solid wood table (Able to very comfortably accommodate a dozen people). There are gas burners, a sink with running water, stove and everything you need to prepare a beautiful table. Obviously, the pantry must adequately provided with the minimum necessary to supply basic needs.
The real high-altitude mountain lovers know very well how much effort and sweat much do the lift and then walk to the valley can imagine the efforts of volunteers who regularly travel those paths with the knapsack on his back, enough to keep the exemption provided and ensure the proper functioning of the structure.
Again, the "refuge" is self-managed by volunteers expressed by the Alpine Group of Braone and then points out that our "refuge" is not equipped for food service and bar.
The property offers generously welcoming its presence and its use is not bound in the presence of the responsible personnel, hikers wishing to contact the City of accerdervi posono Braone for any information or to book a visit with use of local or overnight accommodation to them.
The "retreat" offers a pleasant and safe shelter, provides the stove for cooking and gives the visitor a comfortable bed to rest and / or spend the night.
This offers our "refuge".
Typically those who benefit from this, for the reasons mentioned above, asks for a small fee of € 10.00 (per person) as reimbursement of expenses is useful to replace the products needed to service pantry and ensure that minimum maintenance necessary for the proper functioning of the structure.
We thank in advance all those who collaborated in this way help to maintain functional "refuge", taking orders and using the premises without wasting all that is left available to them.
Adjacent to the dining room is a comfortable room, can seat a dozen people. The toilets are equipped with the minimum necessary to maintain the bare minimum profit of intimacy to the person.
Va comunque detto che, vista l'imponenza della struttura, è molto di più di un semplice bivacco. Per chi volesse utilizzare il "rifugio" è possibile prenotare l'uso della struttura, incluso il accommodation, by contacting the City of Braone, or the responsible management of the Commission.
The "refuge" is

is accessed then the place for a kitchen and dining room, here you can find a large solid wood table (Able to very comfortably accommodate a dozen people). There are gas burners, a sink with running water, stove and everything you need to prepare a beautiful table. Obviously, the pantry must adequately provided with the minimum necessary to supply basic needs.
The real high-altitude mountain lovers know very well how much effort and sweat much do the lift and then walk to the valley can imagine the efforts of volunteers who regularly travel those paths with the knapsack on his back, enough to keep the exemption provided and ensure the proper functioning of the structure.
Again, the "refuge" is self-managed by volunteers expressed by the Alpine Group of Braone and then points out that our "refuge" is not equipped for food service and bar.
The property offers generously welcoming its presence and its use is not bound in the presence of the responsible personnel, hikers wishing to contact the City of accerdervi posono Braone for any information or to book a visit with use of local or overnight accommodation to them.
The "retreat" offers a pleasant and safe shelter, provides the stove for cooking and gives the visitor a comfortable bed to rest and / or spend the night.
This offers our "refuge".
Typically those who benefit from this, for the reasons mentioned above, asks for a small fee of € 10.00 (per person) as reimbursement of expenses is useful to replace the products needed to service pantry and ensure that minimum maintenance necessary for the proper functioning of the structure.
We thank in advance all those who collaborated in this way help to maintain functional "refuge", taking orders and using the premises without wasting all that is left available to them.
Adjacent to the dining room is a comfortable room, can seat a dozen people. The toilets are equipped with the minimum necessary to maintain the bare minimum profit of intimacy to the person.
On the ground floor there are other spaces that, in the summer, are occupied by our pastor friend, who uses the surrounding land as pasture for his cattle mainly formed by a large number of sheep.
Adjacent to the "refuge" is also a small cottage, beautifully restored and is intended as a dormitory, the dormitory which can accommodate additional twenty beds.
"refuge" F. Prandini was built in 1982 and dedicated to the late Franco Prandini, a good friend Alpine prematurely " went on."
The refuge was born to honor his memory and its implementation was possible thanks to the commitment of so many of our Mountain Group in collaboration with the City of Braone but, above all, thanks to the generous financial contribution given by the family with love of his friend Franco.
List of officially Alpine Group Leaders Registered:
- Luigi Mattioli (n.1932 - +1995) : Parent Company from 1972 to 1991
- Giacomo Cappellini: Parent Company from 1992 to 2001
- Louis Bonfadini: Parent Company from 2002 to 2004
- Giuliano Facchini: Parent Company from 2005 to 2010
- Peter Daccomi: Parent Company from 2011
Among the many initiatives that the Braone Alpine Group has undertaken over the years include some of the most significant works:
Year 1983
In collaboration with the City's Alpine devised and contributed to laying the monument in memory of fallen of all wars and all the victims of job . The initiative is also designed on the basis of the contribution of family Griffi (which is called the current square where the monument lies) who gave the Braone City area, where he was subsequently placed the commemorative sculpture.
Year 1986

A nno 1990
In collaboration with the Parish and City Braone , the Alpine Group participated with great commitment and enthusiasm to the important intervention renovation and painting of the exterior facades of Parish of Purification of the Virgin Mary in Braone.
In collaboration with the Parish and City Braone , the Alpine Group participated with great commitment and enthusiasm to the important intervention renovation and painting of the exterior facades of Parish of Purification of the Virgin Mary in Braone.
Year 1995
the leadership of Giacomo Cappellini , parent company of the year (now President of the Chamber of Vallecamonica ANA), was inaugurated in the building completely refurbished 's former dairy " The Caldera ", our new premises in King Street, a small room beautifully situated in the heart of the country. The structure that receives also houses the headquarters of Avis Group . and upstairs, in some large rooms recently restored, is found and operates the very dynamic Seniors Group the country.

Also in the year 1995 , while aware of the many difficulties which had to meet, the Alpine Group is engaged in carrying out reconstruction works in the locality of Foppe Above , the small cottage (pictured left) now able to accommodate a dozen beds and located next to the largest structure of "Shelter" Prandini. expressed appreciation to the Mountain, on the aesthetic and structural improvements made after the operation, were a source of satisfaction and gratification to the many energy spent in the construction of the work.
Year 2005
In February 2005, renewed the Directors of the Alpine Group and later in the month of March on the proposal for the new parent company Giuliano Facchini, was approved unanimously " the intervention of reconstruction of the interior walls " the place for a home. The walls, especially on the sides of the basement, they were attacked by a consistent moisture, mold and unpleasant which provided a significant accumulation of condensation in the room. After surgery, (pictured right ) the room looks more welcoming, with a beautiful wall of exposed granite rocks and a humidity arguably more acceptable.
That same year, in August, has kicked off the work of maintenance of the church Alpina "Madonna of the snow in places Squares of Braone . The surgery was related to a specific portion of the foundations of the structure as dangerously affected by harmful ingress of water. Later they were also placed along the walls of the fences affected by the intervention, making this an even more pleasant view of the small chapel.
That same year, in August, has kicked off the work of maintenance of the church Alpina "Madonna of the snow in places Squares of Braone . The surgery was related to a specific portion of the foundations of the structure as dangerously affected by harmful ingress of water. Later they were also placed along the walls of the fences affected by the intervention, making this an even more pleasant view of the small chapel.
The year 2006 was presented with the commencement of the second phase of 'action aimed at our head office to the arrangement of the outer walls of the building ( on the opposite page).
should be noted that the structure, as well as the seat of our Group also home to different locations in the AVIS Group and Senior Center.
should be noted that the structure, as well as the seat of our Group also home to different locations in the AVIS Group and Senior Center.
interventions have involved the building, turn-based programs, many volunteers for several weekends and operations and maintenance repainting of window frames, were followed by Ignazio Baruselli, current coordinator of the Group Civil Protection the country.
At the end of June 2006 shall be permanently closed and its work, given the results obtained, all groups living in the structure and the many citizens who had followed with interest the system operators, have expressed more positive opinions on Intervention made.
On this occasion, with the valuable contribution of all our friends volunteers who have worked, the mountaineers have proudly stood the test of concrete, a feature much appreciated in their recognition.
For reservations please click on the link City Braone right of the portal, where you will have access to details of the municipal offices and the e-mail.
Or contact the President of the hut Mr. Giuliano Facchini e-mail address: @ giuliano.f16
- Directors of the Alpine Group -
President: Peter Daccomi
Vice - Pres: Roberto Prandini
Director: Julian Facchini