Friday, December 26, 2008
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The next meeting is scheduled for December 29 at 15:00 in 'Physics Auletta.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Kylie Wylde Biography
Tuesday 23 December 10:00 to see you in a C4 'assembly' pre-Christmas.
We take the opportunity to
- fare un resoconto dell'occupazione di Mezzocannone da parte di chi vi ha partecipato attivamente;
- fare un resoconto delle elezioni dei rappresentanti degli studenti qui a Monte Sant'Angelo;
- pianificare gli eventi di Gennaio;
- festeggiare i primi 2 mesi del movimento;
- darci gli auguri di natale, mangiando un panettone e bevendo uno spumantino.
Monday, December 15, 2008
What Kind Of Hair Does Myammee Wear
Nonostante la contrarietà di molti studenti a queste elezioni che non faranno altro che alimentare ancora una volta questo marcio sistema di rappresentanza e nonostante la sede di Mezzocannone 16 (e relativi seggi) sia ancora occupata, il Rettore non decreta la sospensione delle elezioni ma continua imperterrito a lasciare inalterato lo status quo.
Domani e dopodomani ci verrà chiesto di votare dei rappresentanti che molto probabilmente mai più si faranno vedere ; dei rappresentanti che come percentuale di votanti non vale nulla all'interno dei consigli , dei rappresentanti che spesso non conoscono nemmeno per quale organo chiedono di essere eletti; dei rappresentanti che hanno come unico obiettivo quello di mettere le mani sui 300.000€ destinati alle associazioni studentesche , non curandosi di lasciare consigli vacanti da una qualsiasi voce degli studenti ; dei rappresentanti che non si sono degnati di spiegare perchè li si dovrebbe votare; dei rappresentanti elected by barely 18% of voters .
We wanted the election locked up to build together a better system of representation , which does not fall, like the present, in games of favoritism and interests of individuals, which encourages the participation of all students and I see, as pin voice student assemblies spokesman behind instead of proxies given to white representatives, letting them do nothing else that express personal ideas prorpio often going against the students and their will.
The scenario of the next two years will be the same as with us for some time: tomorrow and tomorrow you will see all i candidati indaffarati e a caccia di voti; studenti che si ritrovano in fila per votare non sapendo CHI e COSA stanno votando e che si limitano a copiare sulle schede elettorali i nomi presenti sul bigliettino che gli viene passato sottobanco. Nei giorni avvenire, di tutti i candidati non ve ne sarà più traccia; tranne pochi volenterosi, tutti saranno svaniti nel nulla. Nel silenzio intanto i rappresentanti formeranno Associazioni Studentesche e si accaparreranno migliaia di euro portando avanti fittizie iniziative che di culturale hanno ben poco.
Who does not have a chance or simply does not turn 16 Mezzocannone come, we make a single call: first to vote tomorrow THINK!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
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Employment seat Mezzocannone 16 continues.
As mentioned signals that it wants to be mainly two:
- in a climate of "compromise" by several members of the university world is to raise more than ever the opposition to the law 133 and any covert agreement , then you want to say out loud that the fight is not over L.133!
- then you want to give a strong signal against le prossime elezioni delle rappresentanze studentesche. Si vuole dire che il sistema attuale di rappresentanza NON VA BENE, bisogna fermarsi e costruirne uno migliore tutti insieme. L'insistenza della maggioranza dei candidati alle elezioni e del Rettore stesso a voler sostenere per l'ennesima volta queste elezioni e portare avanti questo sistema marcio di rappresentanza mettono in chiaro gli interessi, soprattutto economici, che li muovono.
L'occupazione ha però bisogno di PARTECIPAZIONE ; è un momento costruttivo in cui devono essere elaborate idee. Il risultato immediato da ottenere è quello di una proposta concreta di alternativa al sistema attuale di rappresentanza.
I prossimi appuntamenti where it is important to participate are:
- Today, Sunday , at 18:00 there is an assembly on the system of representation;
- tomorrow, Monday , at 14:00 c ' another meeting is to understand in light of the reply that the chancellor will tomorrow morning what to do in the mornings of Tuesday and Wednesday (day of elections).
Still on the subject Monday, there is need for a group that is present in Mezzocannone and another that goes to Monte Sant'Angelo to make information on employment and representation.
must know that the situation in Mezzocannone is not easy , perchè ci sono pochissime persone che danno disponibilità a dormire; domani poi è la vigilia delle elezioni, giorno in cui vengono allestiti i seggi, e c'è bisogno di più gente possibile a presidiare scienze stanotte, altrimenti si rischia che domattina veniamo cacciati con un niente di fatto... chi può restare a dormire lo faccia!! E' IMPORTANTE!!!
Ricordiamo che STIAMO DIFENDENDO I NOSTRI DIRITTI ; in questo periodo di fine corsi ed esami la lotta è ancora più dura ma l'unica cosa che ci vien da dire è RESISTIAMO !!
Chiunque voglia ulteriori informazioni o voglia dare disponibilità mandi una email a
Friday, December 12, 2008
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The December 12, 2008 students and students of Frederick II, after the event tied to the general strike, have occupied the premises in Mezzocannone 16 to create a real space that is a reference point for struggles throughout the university, since this location is home to many faculty courses.
focus of this action is the blocking student elections scheduled for 16 and 17dicembre, we decided to give a strong signal that meets the wavering and tactical games of the rector Trombley (who had initially postponed indefinitely, under the pressure from students and female students, the convening of December 2 and 3) to demonstrate that the mobilization in all faculties of the University is alive more than ever, and that the climate of serenity, according to the chancellor, it would be necessary for the normal conduct of the elections, there is . The current
rappresentanz and have proved, especially in recent months to protest a useless tool, not representative of the student bodies, body of people dedicated solely to the achievement of personal interests or somewhere. These representatives are nothing more than delegates bureaucrats, and this movement rejects the notion of delegation.
And 'We want to emphasize our complete independence from any political party, trade union or electoral . We have no desire to stand in these elections or not those to come.
then forcefully denounce the presence, within applications, lists of members and neo-fascists (block student in Law). In this context
be rethought the whole system of representation in the direction of a real expansion of participation and increasing political weight of students in the academic life.
The radical choice of employment is intended to revive the political energy the student movement against the Neapolitan Law 133, the culmination of attacchi che, da 15 anni a questa parte, stanno trasformando l'università pubblica all'insegna del profitto privato; in un momento in cui i Media, strumento ideologico del Potere, intendono zittirlo con il loro colpevole silenzio.
Con questa occupazione intendiamo rinsaldare l' unità delle lotte di tutti i soggetti sociali colpiti da questa storica crisi del capitalismo. Da anni, attraverso processi di privatizzazione e precarizzazione, governi di centro-destra e centro-sinistra, dietro le spinte di direttive europee come la Strategia di Lisbona o la Bolkenstein, hanno effettuato una rapina di tutti i beni comuni e i diritti sociali (istruzione, sanità, lavoro, acqua e ambiente).
UNITED AGAINST 133 against precariousness'
Thursday, December 11, 2008
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Tomorrow, December 12 , there will be the General Strike .
parteciparemo As students at the event to underline the generality of the crisis of an economic system which spreads to the entire population: students, workers, unemployed, immigrants.
The last months of student protests have given us the knowledge that our path must go beyond the university, but rather must extend to the struggles of workers, because if the attacks continue invest in all sectors of the welfare state, labor, training, then it will struggle with the generalization of the answer.
The concentration is at 9:30 am to Piazza Mancini .
Students meet in Monte Sant'Angelo, along with all others of the Federico II, under the statue of Garibaldi.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
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After the great victory of the student movement that has succeeded in obtaining the postponement of student elections, once again with our strength and determination we have taken those spaces that were denied us for too many years. Reclaiming came after the many promises of institutions on the granting of the classroom proved to be just an unnecessary procrastination.
The need for our space, was born a long time, a space for discussion and socialization open to all students, a space that is a point of reference for the continuation of the struggle.
The time is now, riappropriamoci of our future.
Permanent Assembly of Monte Sant'Angelo
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
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The Permanent Assembly of Monte Sant'Angelo, Tuesday 25 and Wednesday, November 26 '08, held two days of awareness and counter the system of student representation in the upcoming elections on Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday, Dec. 3.
During the first day, called "creative morning, were created in the corridors of 'aulario numerous posters, photo collages, banners and posters, thus arousing the curiosity of passersby, who at the same time were they informed about the upcoming elections and the background to the current system of representation.
The second day was focused on the distribution of a brochure (downloadable via the links at the bottom) disclosed for the entire Monte Sant'Angelo and the collection of more than 400 signatures to suspend the elections. It is then concluded with a social lunch always kept nell'Aulario A.
next few days we will continue the activities and information gathering signatures.
Links Brochure: Front - Retro
photos of the day are available on
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
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The Permanent Assembly of Monte Sant'Angelo remember your appointments for the week
Monday, November 24 hours 10: 00
SRSP2 Hall of Science next presidency - former computer lab
Workshop - History of reforms of the public university recent years by reform-Berlinguer Zecchino the 133/08 via the Moratti reform.
Tuesday, November 25 from 9:00
Aulario A
Creative Morning! Music, creating banners, press clippings, photos of past initiatives ... we need the creativity of all!
Mercoledì 26 Novembre ore 12:00
Aulario A
Pranzo Sociale:
Siete tutti invitati a darci una mano
per info
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
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Nell'assemblea si discuterà del ruolo dei rappresentanti degli studenti che ha perso di valore a due to the presence that becomes important only at election time and that fades after a lack of awareness of the problems of students and as a result of a failure to perform the task for which they are elected.
The permanent assembly of Monte Sant'Angelo and then invites all students to participate in open debate on the role of student representatives on university boards.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
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appointments Tuesday, November 18 are:
- 12:00 outside the chairmanship of Sciences, to deliver the request for the exclusive use of the classroom C4 as a reference point, to meet and exchange ideas per gli studenti;
- Ore 14:00 nell'aula C4 ci sarà assemblea , dove si organizzeranno le attività dei prossimi giorni e si concluderà la discussione sulla manifestazione del 14 a Roma e i successivi due giorni di assemblee e workshop;
Sunday, November 16, 2008
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In particolare ci organizzeremo per trasformarci in Assemblea Permanente, formando dei gruppi di lavoro aperti e provvedendo alla necessità di avere uno spazio nostro da autogestire.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
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Please note that starting tomorrow, November 14th to Rome will take place in two ways:
- a special train and 20 bus from Piazza Garibaldi at 6:30 for those who took the tickets
- with 1 bus away from Claudio (outside the two-year Engineering) at 5:30, for those who have booked
students meet outside the store for Nike to Roma Termini station.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
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After lunch there will be a meeting to discuss a joint document to bring the national assembly of Rome
Tomorrow will continue the collection of support for the demonstration in Rome of 14
There will be the special banquet for reservations at the entrance and all 'aulario
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Today we discussed about the modalities of participation in the national demonstration to be held in Rome on November 14, 2008.
The decision was to continue to make a booking in the following day for buses and trains (up to 12 hours for those who sleep in engineering) positioned at the Banquet nell'aulario and the entry of MSA.
Then there will be a social lunch in the corridor dell'aulario A (from distributors) to which the entire university is invited to attend.
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appointments today, Wednesday, November 12:
- plexus of Monte Sant'Angelo you make reservations for the national demonstration on 14 November in Rome . The bus and train reservations are done at the banquet at 8:30 to 9:15 and then from 9:15 to 16:00 nell'aulario;
- to 10:00 there will be a meeting of ' inter-prefecture in the prefect Pansa per far pressione a Trenitalia sull'organizzazione di treni speciali per il 14. Si invitano quante più persone possibili ad essere presenti sotto la questura alle 9:30 (piazza del Plebiscito) al fine di motivare la richiesta di questi treni speciali dato il numero elevato di partecipanti per il 14;
- l' Assemblea Studentesca di Monte Sant'Angelo si vede alle 14:00 fuori l'A8;
- il seminario "Legge 133/08: la privatizzazione dell'Università" a Piazzale Tecchio alle ore 10:00.
Monday, November 10, 2008
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Come anticipato nel verbale si vorrebbe organizzare un Pranzo Sociale per Giovedì 13 a Monte Sant'Angelo. Con tale iniziativa wants to continue to draw attention to the law 133 and the student protest movement. For the realization of this initiative, however, there is the need for much participation in the organization.
So, according to people who join in the preparation of lunch, we will decide whether to keep or not.
To give his help and info contact:
Piera Matarazzo
tel: 3391660524
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In the assembly of students at Monte Sant'Angelo met November 10, 2008 covered the following points and obtained the results below:
- Organization Events 14 Nov to Rome
It was decided to organize and train travel (along the assembly if they are obtained interfacotà special trains required) and the bus trip to better distribute the flow of participants.
It is therefore a group that will get the bus and take
reservations of people who want to use through special banquet to be held in Monte Sant'Angelo Wednesday 12.
It was also agreed to establish a pre-concentration for students in Monte Sant'Angelo in the Nike shop next to the Termini station in Rome.
- Permanent Assembly
It was decided, by unanimous vote to make permanent the meeting so have weekly meetings and pre-fixed. Therefore it was decided to request an institutional classroom setting at our disposal for such assemblies in case of denial of such request, will arrange for the employment of that class.
- Assembly's position with respect to changes in the law on university
The Assembly decided that, given the complexity and importance of the point at issue, it will hold special meetings during discussion of which will be discussed , examined in detail and discussed the laws already enacted and those arriving at the
order to obtain a shared analysis of the whole.
- Organization Lunch Social on Thursday, 13
has expressed willingness to organize a social dinner in Monte Sant'Angelo for next Thursday. Depending on the amount of people who propose to organize this event, you decide to keep it or not. For membership contact Pier (there will be a separate post).
The remaining agenda items were postponed to the next meeting, having exhausted the time available for discussion.
Given the urgency of some organizational matters on the agenda it was decided to meet tomorrow. Since, on the initiative "in the Culture Square, several students will be in Piazza del Plebiscito and others in Letters has decided to meet in bed. So
NEXT MEETING: November 11
Tomorrow - 14:00 Letters to (ask for the Student at the banquet at Monte Sant'Angelo)
Saturday, November 8, 2008
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E 'have created a mailing Student Assembly list of Monte Sant'Angelo.
To receive all the info on Meetings and events organized to subscribe:
- (who google email);
- send email to Assembly . (other email accounts);
assemblea.msa @
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The next meeting of the students held Monday 10 November at 14:00 in B8 (there is the possibility that the classroom changes, so there will still be an ad with the finality outside the classroom B8).
- Transformation of the Assembly Permanent Assembly (to be held on fixed days and fixed the week);
- Event Organisation in Rome on November 14,
- protest activities to be carried out in Monte Sant'Angelo,
- Streamlining and simplification Regulation of the assembly;
- Creating orgnanizzazione groups within the Assembly.
- Minutes of the November 7 event;
- Any other business.
Since the announcement of the assembly was published with little advance, any additional items on the agenda will be placed at the beginning of the meeting, in any other business.
Link to Current Regulation of the Assembly: RegolamentoAssemblea.pdf
Anyone who wants to propose changes is requested to take note of the current regulation.