Young console of the military in Argentina, saved more than 300 victims of political persecution of the regime. Despite the opposition of the Italian Government at the time, who would not harm the economic interests in the country. Today, Enrico Calamai reports the recurrence of a similar situation in the recent agreements between Italy and Libya.
also published in the journal VPS (Volunteer Development):
A tragedy too great. Violence too extreme to bring their own life, thirty years. Then removed, until, after three decades, a process called to testify. And then the memories stored in a back corner of the real consciousness, are taken, analyzed and then masterfully told in a book. To denounce the evil, but also the silence of those who chose not to oppose it. It 's the story of Enrico Calamai, said the Schindlers or argentino Giorgio Perlasca, because as consul in Buenos Aires between 1976 and 1978 helped to flee more than 300 victims of political persecution of the Argentine military regime. Despite the opposition of the Italian administration on which it depended, agreed not to disrupt i rapporti con il governo del generale Videla. Le vicende di Calamai sono riemerse nel 2000, quando divenne testimone nei procedimenti penali aperti a Roma contro i militari responsabili della morte degli italo-argentini durante il regime. “Tutti allora ricordavano avvenimenti che io avevo cominciato a considerare pazzie personali”, dice di quel periodo."Avevo vissuto da vicino, anche se non sulla mia pelle, fatti di una tale violenza da essere insostenibili”, spiega l'ex diplomatico che nel romanzo autobiografico “Niente asilo politico-diplomazia, diritti umani e desaparecidos” edito da Feltrinelli, ricorda come "ancora più delle atrocità commesse dai militari argentini", lo torturasse "l'indifferenza e la complicità Administration of the Italian democratic state that I was having to represent ".
With political persecution
At the time of the Argentine regime, Calamai worked at the Italian consulate in Buenos Aires, who enjoys extra-territoriality of the contrary ' embassy. This, however, refused all aid to the victims of political persecution, according to the will of the Ministry to ensure that no conflict with local authorities. However, the embassy itself, the voice began to give way to the consulate was a young man willing to help the persecution of the regime. Thus, many began to address him. Calamai helped them prepare their documents for travel abroad and organizing fuoriuscita dal paese in condizioni di sicurezza. Spesso accompagnandoli all'aeroporto. In alcuni casi ospitandoli nella propria abitazione e rischiando personalmente la vita. “Se lo avessero trovato insieme a noi avrebbe fatto la nostra stessa fine”, ha raccontato alla Rai Claudio Camarda, aiutato dal diplomatico quando era un giovane vivaista di Buenos Aires. Mentre l'avvocato Vanda Fragale ha affermato: “A me è stata data la vita due volte: la prima, me l’ha donata mia madre, la seconda, Enrico Calamai”.
Il valore della testimonianza
Oggi, quei procedimenti giuridici hanno portato alla condanna di diversi torturatori e assassini del regime di Videla. Nel febbraio scorso, la Corte di Cassazione italiana ha confermato la condanna all’ergastolo dell’ufficiale Alfredo Astiz, come colpevole dell’uccisione di tre italo-argentini durante la dittatura. Probabilmente l’Argentina non concederà l’estradizione di Astiz, oggi indagato anche in patria, tuttavia Calamai sottolinea il valore dei processi agli ex militari argentini, tenuti in Italia, ma anche in Spagna, Francia e Germania: “Mostrano che la magistratura argentina non è sola a giudicare e condannare persone che si sono rese colpevoli di crimini contro l'umanità. Fino al 2003, quando il presidente Nestor Kirchener ha abolito le cosiddette "leggi della vergogna" che garantivano l'amnistia agli ex militari del regime, i processi in Europe was the only way in which the relatives of the victims could seek redress. Subsequently, the European processes are now excluded. But still crucial in supporting the justice of a country that, after three decades, faces enormous difficulties with the wounds of the past. "
The "madres" disappeared and new
Through the "Madres de Plaza de Mayo" and associations with which Argentina is still in contact, Calamai knows the difficulties that still meet in Argentina, in the trials of crimes of the dictatorship "The situation is difficult and dangerous because there are many judges who were appointed by the military right now find themselves on trial. Hence, complicity, and bureaucratic failure. But even threats to physical integrity of witnesses, their lawyers and judges themselves willing to make the proceedings go forward. " These threats came to fruition, as in the case of the witness, Julio Lopez disappeared, died in 2006, the day of the conviction of a soldier whose trial had testified. It was never found. Then there were other seizures of this kind, even if they were issued. "One of the most disturbing stories - says Calamai - is that of a witness, that immediately after meeting with his lawyer received an anonymous phone call was made when the replay recording the entire conversation just before the lawyer. " A clear threat. "Nevertheless, says ex-diplomat-are all determined to go forward."
prevent the state crimes
"The main limitation of these processes is that they point their finger at the Argentine military, but not against the Italian complicity that made possible the crimes, leaving obscure the role played by the political class and from Italy's industrial system, "says the former diplomat. "The fact there is advocacy of the State as a party, denies any possibility of self-criticism by the Italian institutions - Cama insists - while only getting to clarify the responsibilities, you can prevent future conduct cooperation with authorities who are guilty of crimes against humanity. " So speaks of this: "Just as thirty years ago, closed their eyes to the atrocities committed by the military in Argentina because it gave priority to maintain good diplomatic relations in order to protect the economic interests of our companies, so today is close their eyes to the systematic cruelty committed against immigrants. In particular, the face of what is happening in places of detention for migrants in Libya, because, for political reasons, you prefer that these people do not arrive in Italy. " It warns: "Today you go even further: it comes to finance, facilities in which you reach documented human rights violations. It makes sure that you do not see, in silence while pursuing a policy that, with cynicism and ruthlessness, systematically violates human rights. "
Friday, August 21, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Heart Palpitations And Kidney Disease
few hours comes into force on security package, many rules ridiculous and appalling, stupid and inhuman, of which the application is not yet clear. What upsets me most is the norm on the prohibition of registration of newborns by parents illegal. Luck is at that point the children as "children of unknown parents" become automatically Italians, but the risk is that they would be ready for adoption. Apparently. But we'll see and, of course, to report. Meanwhile, carry the most comprehensive comment which I think has been written about this decree of the Italian government.
The Senate today approved the so-called Minister of Interior Security Package Maroni.Mi ashamed of being Italian and being Christian. I never thought that a country like Italy could pass a law as racist and xenophobic. We who have lived for centuries by migrating to find a loaf of bread (there are 60 million Italians living abroad!), Now repeat about immigrants the same treatment but rather grew worse that we Italians have suffered a bit 'all over the world.This law was passed in the wake of a long growing racism and xenophobia in the league is the best espressione.Il heart of the law is that the underground is now a criminal. I would remind you that illegal immigrants are not criminals but those economic and financial structures that force people to emigrate. Pope John 23 degrees in Pacem in Terris is a reminder that emigrate diritto.Fra other things the law requires the tax to the residence permit (our immigrants are not harassed enough already?), The patrols, the residence permit of points , restrictive rules on family reunification and mixed marriages, imprisonment of up to 4 years for illegal immigrants who do not respect the order of expulsion, and finally the ban illegal for a woman who gives birth in hospital to recognize their child or enroll in the Registry. This is an apartheid legislation , who comes from afar via the Turkish-Napolitano law unconstitutional until the Bossi-Fini. All of this is the result of a political world of left and right who pilloried washers, street vendors, beggars and Roma. This is a racist culture that is leading us into the abyss of exclusion and marginalization. "This threatens to drain from the constitutional guarantees built 60 years ago - so they wrote in their appeal to anthropologists Italian - against the return of fascism that revealed itself to the racial laws. "I would note that our Constitution was written largely by political exiles, returned home from exile as a result of Fascism. Twice the Italian constitution speaks of asylum, that the parliament has never transformed into He reads not only ashamed to be Italian, but I am ashamed even to be Christian, this law is the denial of fundamental truths of the Good News of Jesus of Nazareth. I ask the Italian Church the courage to denounce in no uncertain terms that a law is at odds with the fundamentals of the faith cristiana.Penso that as Christians we have the courage of civil disobedience. This is the invitation who had made the cardinal R. Mahoney of Los Angeles (California) in 2006 when he struggled in the U.S. where a similar law stated that the illegal immigrant is a criminal. In the homily of Ash Wednesday in his cathedral, the cardinal of Los Angeles said that if the law was approved, he asked his staff and all the diocesan priests civil disobedience. I think that the Italian bishops should do today altrettanto.Davanti this law I am ashamed as a missionary I was a guest of the peoples of Africa for over 20 years, we now reject people, indifferent to their situations of injustice and impoverishment of . We Italians should remember all those words that God spoke to Israel: "Do not vex a stranger nor oppress him, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt" (Exodus 22:20).
few hours comes into force on security package, many rules ridiculous and appalling, stupid and inhuman, of which the application is not yet clear. What upsets me most is the norm on the prohibition of registration of newborns by parents illegal. Luck is at that point the children as "children of unknown parents" become automatically Italians, but the risk is that they would be ready for adoption. Apparently. But we'll see and, of course, to report. Meanwhile, carry the most comprehensive comment which I think has been written about this decree of the Italian government.
The Senate today approved the so-called Minister of Interior Security Package Maroni.Mi ashamed of being Italian and being Christian. I never thought that a country like Italy could pass a law as racist and xenophobic. We who have lived for centuries by migrating to find a loaf of bread (there are 60 million Italians living abroad!), Now repeat about immigrants the same treatment but rather grew worse that we Italians have suffered a bit 'all over the world.This law was passed in the wake of a long growing racism and xenophobia in the league is the best espressione.Il heart of the law is that the underground is now a criminal. I would remind you that illegal immigrants are not criminals but those economic and financial structures that force people to emigrate. Pope John 23 degrees in Pacem in Terris is a reminder that emigrate diritto.Fra other things the law requires the tax to the residence permit (our immigrants are not harassed enough already?), The patrols, the residence permit of points , restrictive rules on family reunification and mixed marriages, imprisonment of up to 4 years for illegal immigrants who do not respect the order of expulsion, and finally the ban illegal for a woman who gives birth in hospital to recognize their child or enroll in the Registry. This is an apartheid legislation , who comes from afar via the Turkish-Napolitano law unconstitutional until the Bossi-Fini. All of this is the result of a political world of left and right who pilloried washers, street vendors, beggars and Roma. This is a racist culture that is leading us into the abyss of exclusion and marginalization. "This threatens to drain from the constitutional guarantees built 60 years ago - so they wrote in their appeal to anthropologists Italian - against the return of fascism that revealed itself to the racial laws. "I would note that our Constitution was written largely by political exiles, returned home from exile as a result of Fascism. Twice the Italian constitution speaks of asylum, that the parliament has never transformed into He reads not only ashamed to be Italian, but I am ashamed even to be Christian, this law is the denial of fundamental truths of the Good News of Jesus of Nazareth. I ask the Italian Church the courage to denounce in no uncertain terms that a law is at odds with the fundamentals of the faith cristiana.Penso that as Christians we have the courage of civil disobedience. This is the invitation who had made the cardinal R. Mahoney of Los Angeles (California) in 2006 when he struggled in the U.S. where a similar law stated that the illegal immigrant is a criminal. In the homily of Ash Wednesday in his cathedral, the cardinal of Los Angeles said that if the law was approved, he asked his staff and all the diocesan priests civil disobedience. I think that the Italian bishops should do today altrettanto.Davanti this law I am ashamed as a missionary I was a guest of the peoples of Africa for over 20 years, we now reject people, indifferent to their situations of injustice and impoverishment of . We Italians should remember all those words that God spoke to Israel: "Do not vex a stranger nor oppress him, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt" (Exodus 22:20).
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