Friday, January 28, 2011

Tree Swings Blueprints

Results Castenedolo 1.23 and Future events
section RESULTS were published times and measures of our athletes, who participated in the race for the Category boys and girls held Sunday, 23/01 Castenedolo .
the We congratulate all those who were present , many of them to their first race in the category, some of the first ever!
In particular, stood out Bonicalza Sofia, who scored the fastest time in batteries won the 60m and long jump competition , greatly improving its performance last year: congratulations!
Now next race will be scheduled High Jump Saturday, February 5 Canegrate still in the category Guys / and : Section EVENTS we published the program of the day (confirmation presence by Wednesday, February 2).
All interested parties are invited to view and participate in large numbers!
The following week, Sunday, February 13, Castenedolo Cadets will be the first race / e : soon will post the day's program.
Here we call the many athletes who have not yet done so to bring photo ID and the completed form to the membership as soon as possible, those who do not will not be able to compete.

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On Urbanfile

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Miscarriage More Condition_symptoms

Milan - the Duomo in the dark

Last night I arrived in the Cathedral, the total darkness ... the lights were out of the cathedral, the only shining spire of the Madonna, the lights were out of the square ... as usual we do things and then you forget ... perhaps the lights of the windows light up only on Saturdays and Sundays, but they nn said the municipality, which keeps the lights of the square ... OUT!

This is the effect with the lights on the new system

These are photos taken last night with cel .. . you name it.

E 'on the evening of New Year's Eve, the Cathedral is OFF, is disgraceful, not only the Cathedral Square is deserted at night, but dark ... congratulations to the junta always so considerate towards us and tourists ... that other cities EXPO ... are candidates for the capital of the country of scoundrels.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

How Does Brazilian Wax Looks Like

Recovery program activities and the first race
resume tomorrow Monday 10 / 1, the activity categories for Juniors / Cadets ee / e (secondary and higher primates, Mon-Wed-Fri 17-18); dopodomani, Martedì 11/1, riprenderanno anche le lezioni per le categorie Esordienti ( scuole Elementari, mar-gio 17-18).
Si ricorda a tutti gli atleti e genitori di consultare il post qui sotto e prendere nota delle date delle gare a cui parteciperemo nel periodo invernale.
A questo proposito, si comunica che nella sezione GARE è stato pubblicato il programma della giornata per la prima delle gare in calendario , che si svolgerà Domenica 23/1 a Castenedolo (BS) categories for boys and girls (born and 1998/99). We invite all interested parties to consult the program and communicate its presence and races choices by mail or directly to the instructors at the camp within 18 to Friday 21 / 1.
Finally, it reminds everyone of the importance of provide all the necessary forms to the membership as soon as possible . In particular, the reference is to passport photo and application form for membership to the category Cadets s (96/97), where many still have not done so. In addition, for boys and girls born in 1999 renewed the call for the earliest possible to support the visit of competitive sports and fitness activities provide the relevant certificate (the demands of society for that visit are available by asking the instructors to the field).
We look forward to the race guys / and 23 / 1!