da www.gianfrancomicciche.net a bad story,
February 18, 2011
Want to hear a story? Please be advised: it's a bad story, by red dot. Therefore, we invite Sicilian faint of heart to not visit this blog for the next day (because these days in Sicily is better to prevent than to seek treatment).
Our story begins way back in time, dating back about a Ventena ago, that is when an insurance company, la Reale Mutua, aveva fornito la copertura assicurativa all’allora Usl 6. Un ventennio felice, di serena e costruttiva collaborazione tra Mamma Regione e Mamma Reale!
Fino ai giorni nostri, quando alla Regione siciliana è arrivato un governo che s’è mostrato subito rivoluzionario, nel senso che ha rivoluzionato il modo d’intendere la gestione del danaro pubblico. Nel settembre de 2009, in vista dell’imminente scadenza del contratto, prevista per dicembre, veniva chiesta dal direttore generale dell’attuale Asp 6, Salvatore Cirignotta, alla Reale Mutua assicurazioni una proroga di sei mesi di tutte le coperture assicurative, nelle more di una gara pubblica (come aveva scritto in his hand the same director). The company, for its part, is concerned to ensure for the first three months of the time (ie up to March 2010) the extension under the same conditions (with a rate of 4.08 per thousand), as required by the contract. You agree also to the extension request for the next six months, but with an applied rate equal to 5.71 per thousand: a lightweight, very normal increase in view of claims for an amount that would have amounted to about 1 million a year and 700 thousand euro.
So far, you say, entirely legitimate. Yes, but then something happened!
E 'success at the end of the first three months (March 2010), during which the hospital had enjoyed the coverage on the same contractual quo ante, the same inexplicably did not give any more feedback for renewal, in the meantime, they said, the completion of a consortium to tender throughout the region to find a broker who did a market survey (Russo wanted to standardize the cost: this is the revolution that is) And that's not all ...
E 'success then he recklessly Asp 6 ( revolutionaries are like that, take it or leave it!) awarded the insurance coverage of medical staff and paramedics to the Soc Amtrust Europe Limited, headquartered Nottingham, an amount of € 2,263,284.54, which corresponds to an annual rate of 5.89 per one thousand ... the face of the savings and those working in the insurance field in Sicily (but the revolutionaries are like this, take or leave it!). And if we add to this the fact that it has relied on insurance coverage so important to a British company, which until July 2010 was named differently (IGI), which has offices in Italy, which has no organizational structure, nor offices liquidation of damages, neither experts nor legal departments, is to be said as well: the face of our intelligienza. 's not all ...
E 'success for several months, since that is not renewing the contract with La Reale Mutua to the new expectations, it must open all insurance staff (but the revolutionaries are like this: love risk, take it or leave it!). It's not all ...
E 'success that the administration, to communicate the award of insurance coverage, has not written all'Amtrust of Nottingham, but to another subject: the Troust Risk Group. Moreover, a Ltd and not a spa, as it mistakenly made out in the letter (but you want to be? An insignificant detail, the rivoluzioanari can be forgiven!). However, what is harder to forgive is the fact that this Troust Risk Group is a financial insurance broker in Naples, which is unknown to the administration, which has no requirements to participate, not being an insurance company, which has nothing to do with expectations, but which is also responsible for managing the contract and is authorized to collect the prizes. For the modest sum of 2,263,284.54.
Basically, the coverage is entrusted to a foreign company newly formed and is collected by a limited company based in Naples. E all the pockets of the Sicilian coast in € 500 thousand more! It's not all ...
Why is our history, like any self-respecting history, is tinged with yellow. Do you know where the headquarters of the Troust Risk Group? In Naples, in the business IS 80143 A2, ie the same address as the VIRAS, a brokerage firm which belongs to the same broker in Naples, which is the correspondent of the British company and in 2005 served as a consultant to ASL 6 for competitive tendering. Chinese boxes? Maybe (but the revolutionaries are like: playful in their own way, take it or leave it!).
This is the story. A story that has a moral, but ends with a question, we address alderman Russo. Quiet, councilor, not at all clear: we understand that they are not his forte. This time we put a question a bit 'more "Hamlet" that the prosecutor will investigate whether or not she's in on all this?
The 'our' silent ..... councilor!!