Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Bmx Bike Birthday Cake

CHRISTMAS IN TENT (Afghan refugees to Ostiense station)

(photo by Valeria Galletti)

This is an article I wrote for a newspaper in the free press most common, with the intent (though a bit 'too ambitious) to "make at least a little' pressure 'because the competent authorities, turning our thoughts to the matter. Is not new, I know. Afghans encamped Ostiense talking for months, years. And they continue to arrive, and after travel unimaginable, to resist cold and uncomfortable. The news has not gone up that newspaper, too blocked in this time of Christmas advertising. The public here now, dedicated to the activities of the association which continues to deal with this flow of young East - our only detection of a war fought far from here - during the long periods between the peaks of media attention.

"They come with fever, dermatitis, respiratory diseases and we give antibiotics which provides us with Caritas, but how can they recover if they continue to sleep outdoors, with this cold?" Alberto e Chiara sono volontari dell'Associazione Medu (Medici per i diritti umani), che da anni assiste i rifugiati dell'Afghanistan che giungono alla stazione Ostiense, snodo fondamentale per i giovani in fuga da quel paese martoriato dal conflitto. Punto di riferimento della migrazione, ma anche e sempre di più, luogo di accampamento, a causa della carenza di strutture pubbliche dedicate all'accoglienza di richiedenti asilo a Roma. Un dramma, quando arriva il gelo di questi giorni. E di queste notti.

Una soluzione per alcuni di loro, è stata trovata dal Comune di Roma, nel Centro di accoglienza per richiedenti asilo (Cara) di Castelnuovo di Porto dove, in seguito alla pressione del Medu e di altre organizzazioni impegnate alongside the Afghan refugees on 12 November have been moved hundreds of "inhabitants" dell'Ostiense. But many stayed outside and continued to sleep in tents made from nylon, about twenty, whose summer colors clash with the landscape yards and puddles of ice surrounding the rail terminal. "Wednesday morning when we opened our mobile clinic, 80 people came," said Alberto Barbieri, general coordinator of the medu, indicating that as the number of Afghans still camped near the Ostiense station. "We demand that can be incorporated in a closed place, too," appeals. The request of the medu and other associations who have followed the Afghans, Laboratorio53 as Yo and migrate, and to be offered to young refugees places still available at the center of Castelnuovo di Porto, currently run by the Red Cross. "At least during the cold period of the emergency until January-February."

"In the future we ask that you can create a service center and hosting, right here in Ostiense," Barbieri said, stressing that the flow of children fleeing the war is continuing. "We ask also for the inhabitants of the neighborhood," said Barbieri, the goal of establishing itself as the host and also avoid degradation and promote coexistence. Currently, the district did not deny solidarity: "Poor souls, come I have to take the boxes, "said a newsagent nearby. While the bowling club, has offered its premises for overseeing health and care of medu." But - says Alberto - this situation can not last long. "

Monday, December 14, 2009

Template For Rabbit Hutch

's Christmas Navtej (1 year after the aggression of Neptune)

had come from a far country, and when he lost precarious employment found himself alone, homeless. One day in mid-winter's three boys have pulled gasoline and lit the fire. Many will remember the story of Navtej Singh Sidhe, the 'Indian burned "in the station of Neptune, on January 31 last year. It was believed that he would survive, but doctors have struggled with him and then watched for months. Now he's back in the winter and Navtej can say that there made it. Only to survive but, because his legs can no longer be said that at least for a few months and must remain in a wheelchair. But now he has to leave the rehab facility that hosted Telese Terme in these months. The 24 or December 25 are the days when his resignation is expected. On a sobering and perhaps save this boy of 35 years. Perhaps no one has the courage to bring it back on the street, that day. Maybe. Why the generosity expressed by the institutions in the days of media attention has so far remained words. The mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno, the mayor of Neptune and Alessio Key, assured him a home, while Senate President Renato Schifani, had promised him a job. "But nothing has arrived, and we do not know what to do when he will be released from the hospital," the complaint Balray Singh, representative of the community 'Sikh of Rome and a member of the council's religious capital, which took the Indian Embassy in charge follow the health and legal affairs of Navtej on behalf of his family. "We kept asking what was promised, but no answers - he adds - especially alderman Social Services of Neptune, Domenico Cianfriglia, which continues to reassure us, but so far there has only words." As for work, Singh said that "now can only do a quiet job, enabling him to sit ", and calls back to the solidarity of the institutions or persons. But the most urgent, is housing. Singh recounts the trial of the three boys, who followed: it was given the first sentence of 5 years, the youngest, who has confessed, while the two adults there will be a hearing in the coming days. But concern remains high for the racism to which they are continually subject of his country, agricultural workers in areas of Anzio , Aprilia and Lavinio: "What happens more often - he says - is that when the evening come home by bike, some guys in the car, stop opening the doors and push them to the ground. "The kids sometimes hurt as a result of such attacks, which occur at least twice a month, though they usually do not report because they are afraid to go to the police, if you do not have the documents. "

also appeared on Rome today Epolis

Friday, November 20, 2009

Cubefield Game Wikipedia

FAO Summit 2 (luckily there Zaia)

A summit ended, one of my regrets is not having taken away a copy of the speech of our Minister of Agriculture. Because of the lack of any real commitment, a substantial load of that content, etc.. ... etc. The only one who brought a bit 'of fun (and laughter) at the summit, it was him, Zaia, with its discourse on' agriculture identity. "Yes, because (even without a written speech some passages are unforgettable) "gli africani" ha detto, devono mangiare genuino "cibo africano frutto della loro terra, non snack, importati dall'estero". Della serie, così come noi dobbiamo mangiare genuino cibo italiano o meglio padano... Ma la cosa bella è che il nostro rappresentante, per avvalorare la sua tesi leghista, nonchè dargli un tono elevato, visionario, ha scomodato personalità della filosofia e della letteratura, citando Simone Weil (rigorosamente pronunciando Simone all'italiana, tipo Simone il compagno di classe), Jhon Donne (si, lo giuro), e il "famoso contadino russo Leone Tolstoj". Famoso contadino russo, già. Certo, caro ministro, proprio braccia tolte all'agricoltura. Come lei

Monday, November 16, 2009

Old Poptropica Acounts

FAO Summit

Surreale Circus Maximus desert, only a shuttle in the organization I am with some elegant foreigners (a couple of North African and a German, I believe) through the sunny racecourse built by the Romans. Photos, information, welcome kit, the recording is made. The shuttle takes us, cross the old field of competition and are there: in front of the building fascist. Through the entrance after a new baggage check, we are catapulted into the press room. Fervent work Sherma, photocopiers, cameras and keyboards, jackets, ties, heels and makeup. Seeking a location, some colleagues, I stop. Search the Internet the program of events. I take things, I get up. Wonder where it takes place, they tell me is portechiuse. Torno alla postazione. Mi rialzo, chiedo le cuffie per vedere l'incontro sul megaschermo davanti a me. La bella dirigente del Pam, vari presidenti africani, la capo del governo del Bangladesh in abiti tradizionali... Ma non distinguo gran che tra i concetti ascoltati milioni di volte. Solo il capo di un governo africano mi colpisce. Orgoglio del suo paese e richiesta di conoscenze, non soldi.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Broken Capilaries On Breasts


Testo di Ludovica Jona. Fotografie di Alessia Leonello.

A poco più di un anno dall'indipendenza, la capitale del Kossovo ha l'aria di capitale europea alla moda. Nonostante il tasso di disoccupazione ufficiale sfiori l'80 per cento. Viaggio tra la massiccia presenza internazionale e la criminalità al potere

“L'Espresso all'italiana” è scritto sui tendoni che riparano le schiere di tavolini all'aperto nel viale alberato. Ragazzi in jeans e giacca di velluto attraversano i cortili affollati. C'è chi chiacchiera davanti a una birra e chi lavora al computer portatile. Un po' oltre, ci sono locali più ricercati: in stile moderno, con arredi in vetro e metallo, o etnico, in legno e paglia intrecciata. Vi siedono giovani in completo scuro e ragazze con tacchi alti e abiti vistosi. I camerieri servono composizioni di pesce o di formaggi matched, as in the kitchen most glamorous magazines. We are not in the center of Milan to take an aperitif, but in Pristina, the capital of Kosovo, in an ordinary Wednesday afternoon.

A few months after the first birthday of independence (February 17), the capital of Europe's youngest country, with an average age of 24 years, welcomes you like a girl who wants to impress . On Clinton Boulevard, which leads from the center, parade solid houses, tastefully designed and suv flaming dart against the backdrop of posters of the best known Western brands. And around the square of the "New Born", the monument of independence made up of large colored concrete letters that make up the word "born again" in English, an exuberant vitality worldly wonder the visitor who has read the reports dramatically unproductive economy of Kosovo and its unemployment rate of nearly 80 per percent of the population.

The acronyms of international organizations such as OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe), UN and UNHCR (UN High Commissioner for Refugees) often on buildings and cars in downtown of Pristina, are the first signs of a possible explanation for being unexpected in a country that è stato recente teatro di un feroce conflitto etnico. La presenza internazionale, seguita ai bombardamenti Nato del 1999 che sconfissero il regime di Milosevich, viene da molti considerata la più fiorente industria del paese: all'inizio del 2008, la sola missione Onu in Kosovo ( Unmik ) aveva speso circa tre miliardi di euro, in personale, beni e servizi. “Anche se solo una piccola parte di questa somma è stata investita nell'economia kosovara – sottolinea il sito d'informazione Osservatorio Balcani- il denaro speso ha certamente avuto un ruolo nella creazione di attività produttive”. Soprattutto a Pristina dove è concentrato oltre il 60 per cento del personale internazionale.

Nonostante this, almost all call for the expulsion of Kosovars mission sent by the UN to support (and monitor) the local institutions.
"UNMIK officials have high salaries, but yet we have not seen the benefits on the population," said one young man met one of the most renowned coffee center, the Papillon. Pinstripe jacket, item sets and dazzling smile, Artan deals with casting for the national television. E 'Albanian, but has several professional experiences in Italy and the USA: to convince him to come to Pristina, were good business opportunities.
However, the local ruling class, consisting mainly of former KLA leader (Kosovo Liberation Army) is not particularly committed to enhancing the local economy. "There are significant investments in any sector of the economy and the rate of youth suicide has increased dramatically due to the lack of prospects and work," says Ilire Zajmi , Radio reporter and correspondent of ANSA in Kosovo Pristina. "Even in the entertainment industry, there is no policy that encourages foreign investment," echoed Skumbin I., known comedian Kosovar . Are critical not surprised if you look at the curriculum of the main political leaders in Kosovo: is the current head of government Hashim Thaci, the leader of the opposition Ramush Haradinaj, in addition to being very young (both have about forty years), had a military rather than political, since they were the main leaders of the KLA . In addition, a dossier commissioned by the German army in Berlin Institute for European Policy, describes them as "the chieftain cartel's most powerful Mafia Kosovo , confirming information provided by previous investigations by journalists and the courts. In particular, according to The Washington Times, during the period that Thaci was the leader of the UCK, the organization is funded primarily through the control of much of the traffic of heroin and cocaine into Western Europe. Thaci was subsequently held up by the BBC as "the central element of the criminal activities conducted by the Kosovo Protection Force" (born after the dissolution of the KLA, absorbing the militia), who extort money from businessmen in the form of taxes for the His government, a kind of lace. Ramush Haradinaj was accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court for Former Yugoslavia. Several witnesses against him have died in mysterious circumstances during the trial and in April 2008 was acquitted of all charges.

Kosovo is considered the port Europe works for 80 percent of drugs produced in Afghanistan and worked in Turkey . The shop is often hailed internationally as a justification of the amount of money that goes to Pristina, but it is not clear how trafficking of this magnitude can take place undisturbed under the eyes of the 16,000 military mission KFOR (Kosovo Force) led by NATO, still present in this piece of land as big as the Molise. "There are soldiers of the KFOR have to do legal investigations on drug trafficking, but the judiciary," he says Alberto Perduca, the Italian judge who heads the justice sector EULEX, the mission decided by the European Union after the Kosovo's declaration of independence (recognized by almost all member states), to support local institutions, gradually replacing UNMIK. Engaged in the fields of justice, police and customs officials around 2000, the EULEX mission is the most important EU foreign and, in addition to the advisory role, may exercise the judicial power with local administrators. "For example - explains Perduca-there is a special anti-crime prosecutor, set the example of the Special Anti-Mafia Directorate, consisting of 16 prosecutors, of which 6 are EULEX." However, since last December, when it came into action the administration of justice supported EULEX, is passed judged only in a case of robbery. "We are still taking over from UNMIK to the more than 1200 files opened for war crimes," the official said. He added that tackling organized crime will be very difficult: "The technical equipment, such as to make interceptions, is not adequate." But above all: "The ties between families and clans here are powerful and, in such a small country, is a big problem even defend the witnesses!"
The "EULEX Made in Serbia", which stands on the walls of all Kosovo, shows that the mission sent by the European Union is not loved by locals. Accusing to be the product of Serbia, is associated with the nation which has been waged against the so-called "war of liberation" of the majority of Kosovars who are ethnic Albanian. To cover the walls with that written, are the hundreds of activists of a movement called extra-parliamentary " Vetevendosje" (Self-determination ). Its founder is Albin Kurtis, 33, former leader of student protests against the Milosevic regime, as well as near the pacifist Kosovar leader, Ibrahim Rugova. "KFOR and EULEX should not have executive powers or legal immunity," he says. But heavy criticism does not spare members of the government, "Thaci and his men have become bureaucrats and do not deal with people. The Government says that no money is not true: we have calculated that in cases over 5 million euro aid and privatization. What are you doing? "

Meanwhile, in the Parliament in Pristina, people put a tent : there waving the banner of ' KLA and some days you sleep thirty men dug their faces furrowed and often by characteristic scars. They are former militants of the Kosovo Liberation Army and are doing a hunger strike. "We ask the government to recognize veterans and a subsidy for those who must care for war wounds," says spokesman Naser, ex tecnico geometra in Svizzera. Come altri ex militanti dell'Uck, che erano immigrati negli Usa e in Italia, racconta di essere tornato in Kossovo nel 1999 per combattere l'esercito serbo. Ma dopo la guerra, l'Uck non è stato neanche menzionato nella costituzione del Kossovo. Con la conseguenza che coloro che vi hanno militato, non hanno neanche un sussidio per acquistare medicinali. Che in Kosovo non vengono offerti dal servizio sanitario pubblico, ma hanno prezzi europei: impossibili per stipendi medi che non raggiungono i 200 euro.

Così, dall'Uck, c'è chi è uscito capo del governo e chi si ritrova a fare lo sciopero della fame per un riconoscimento economico che gli permetta di curarsi. Perché such different fates? He replies Arkan, the young entrepreneurs we met at the cafe Papillon: "These men are on hunger strike because they have stopped fighting!" Then he tells me of a guy who studied theater with him and he killed many people. And what does it do now? "The manager"

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Clansphere Flash Template

CHRONICLE OF A BREAK Former mill Via Salaria September 9, 2009

I put together the photos taken and sent to the editor launches social during November 9 last year. The eviction was not advised and so bedrooms and dining room were stranded in the gestures of everyday life that were made during the early morning raid.
the bus stop, baggage envelopes spesa, biciclette per bambini portate a mano e antenne paraboliche.

Tra i 200 e i 300 immigrati, tra cui 80 membri di nuclei familiari con bambini, sono stati sgomberati questa mattina (9 settembre) dall'edificio dell'ex ente Cellulosa in via Salaria 971 a Roma. Sono circa 200 i membri delle forze dell’ordine tra polizia e carabinieri attualmente sul posto. La via Salaria è bloccata da stamattina alle 9. Ancora arredate con tutti gli effetti personali molte stanze all’interno del complesso poiché lo sgombero non era stato avvisato. "I nuclei familiari - dice il rappresentante alla Sicurezza del sindaco Giorgio Ciardi – saranno trasferiti presso un centro di accoglienza dell’arci confraternita situato in via Spring. " Currently, many tenants of the building, mostly from Bangladesh, Pakistan, India and Afghanistan, are moving away with your luggage, not knowing where to go.

Many Afghans and Pakistanis, about a hundred, holders of humanitarian protection of the Italian Government, are among the evicted former institution cellulose (see previous release). "The demand for access to shelters agreement was made: it is written on the slip dated June 8, 2008 the municipality of Rome that Abdul, Afghan in Kabul, shows. E 'fled from the war two years fa e dall’Italia ha ricevuto l’asilo politico ma non un luogo dove stare. E’ stato 6 mesi a dormire alla stazione Ostiense, prima di venire in questo edificio un anno fa e oggi è di nuovo sulla strada. Alla fermata dell’autobus davanti all’ex ente aumentano le persone in attesa con i bagagli: sono peruviani, romeni, bengalesi, indiani, quelli che non hanno avuto amici che hanno potuto ospitarli. Victor, peruviano, è in regola con il permesso di soggiorno, è qui da 8 anni e fa il badante. Ma da quando non ha una famiglia fissa presso la quale lavorare, non può pagarsi l’affitto. Ashma, indiana, è venuta ad aiutare un amico e dice: “Se ci avvertivano, ci saremmo organizzati. Invece saremo forced to sleep here before tonight. "

It was concluded peacefully in the late morning the evacuation of the former Museum of the Charter, the ownership structure Fintecna occupied 18 months ago by hundreds of immigrants of different nationalities and some Italian family. The note of the town speaks of "120 people", but Bachchu, the spokesman of the "Duumchatu" which together with the Committee "ungovernable areas" ran for a year and a half jobs, said: "There were more than 400: we have all names in our records. Among them is also Babul Begun, the husband of Meri Begun, la donna bengalese che nel gennaio 2007 si gettò dal balcone insieme al suo figlioletto per fuggire all'incendio divampato nel suo appartamento”. Il rappresentante della comunità bengalese aggiunge che “molti degli immigrati che sono stati sgomberati sono richiedenti asilo politico e in quanto tali non hanno un permesso di soggiorno che gli permette di lavorare. Ora, senza neanche un alloggio, che faranno? Saranno costretti a rubare?".
Nell'edificio di proprietà del ministero dell'Economia e delle finanze, oltre ai mobili e ai beni personali che le persone non sono riuscite a portare via, sono rimaste le statue e oggetti religiosi indù dei molti immigrati dell'Asia meridionale che vi alloggiavano, nonché le attrezzature di stampa di proprietà dell'associazione Duumchatu. Non vi sono state comunque resistenze allo sgombero che è avvenuto nella mattinata alla presenza di circa 200 membri delle forze dell'ordine. Alcuni autobus sono stati utilizzati per portare 81 immigrati, 20 nuclei familiari con minori, donne sole, ragazze madri e minori soli, in strutture del comune adibite all'emergenza alloggiativa. Gli uomini soli, ovvero la maggioranza, si sono assiepati con i bagagli attorno alla fermata sulla Salaria in attesa di un autobus che li portasse in una stazione o in un altro luogo per passare la notte. Perché “i centri di accoglienza sono ormai stracolmi”, dicono in coro gruppetti di afgani mostrando certificati di iscrizione ai centri del Comune, risalenti to several months ago.

Friday, August 21, 2009

How Waxing Courses In Calgary


Young console of the military in Argentina, saved more than 300 victims of political persecution of the regime. Despite the opposition of the Italian Government at the time, who would not harm the economic interests in the country. Today, Enrico Calamai reports the recurrence of a similar situation in the recent agreements between Italy and Libya.

also published in the journal VPS (Volunteer Development):

A tragedy too great. Violence too extreme to bring their own life, thirty years. Then removed, until, after three decades, a process called to testify. And then the memories stored in a back corner of the real consciousness, are taken, analyzed and then masterfully told in a book. To denounce the evil, but also the silence of those who chose not to oppose it. It 's the story of Enrico Calamai, said the Schindlers or argentino Giorgio Perlasca, because as consul in Buenos Aires between 1976 and 1978 helped to flee more than 300 victims of political persecution of the Argentine military regime. Despite the opposition of the Italian administration on which it depended, agreed not to disrupt i rapporti con il governo del generale Videla. Le vicende di Calamai sono riemerse nel 2000, quando divenne testimone nei procedimenti penali aperti a Roma contro i militari responsabili della morte degli italo-argentini durante il regime. “Tutti allora ricordavano avvenimenti che io avevo cominciato a considerare pazzie personali”, dice di quel periodo."Avevo vissuto da vicino, anche se non sulla mia pelle, fatti di una tale violenza da essere insostenibili”, spiega l'ex diplomatico che nel romanzo autobiografico “Niente asilo politico-diplomazia, diritti umani e desaparecidos” edito da Feltrinelli, ricorda come "ancora più delle atrocità commesse dai militari argentini", lo torturasse "l'indifferenza e la complicità Administration of the Italian democratic state that I was having to represent ".

With political persecution
At the time of the Argentine regime, Calamai worked at the Italian consulate in Buenos Aires, who enjoys extra-territoriality of the contrary ' embassy. This, however, refused all aid to the victims of political persecution, according to the will of the Ministry to ensure that no conflict with local authorities. However, the embassy itself, the voice began to give way to the consulate was a young man willing to help the persecution of the regime. Thus, many began to address him. Calamai helped them prepare their documents for travel abroad and organizing fuoriuscita dal paese in condizioni di sicurezza. Spesso accompagnandoli all'aeroporto. In alcuni casi ospitandoli nella propria abitazione e rischiando personalmente la vita. “Se lo avessero trovato insieme a noi avrebbe fatto la nostra stessa fine”, ha raccontato alla Rai Claudio Camarda, aiutato dal diplomatico quando era un giovane vivaista di Buenos Aires. Mentre l'avvocato Vanda Fragale ha affermato: “A me è stata data la vita due volte: la prima, me l’ha donata mia madre, la seconda, Enrico Calamai”.

Il valore della testimonianza
Oggi, quei procedimenti giuridici hanno portato alla condanna di diversi torturatori e assassini del regime di Videla. Nel febbraio scorso, la Corte di Cassazione italiana ha confermato la condanna all’ergastolo dell’ufficiale Alfredo Astiz, come colpevole dell’uccisione di tre italo-argentini durante la dittatura. Probabilmente l’Argentina non concederà l’estradizione di Astiz, oggi indagato anche in patria, tuttavia Calamai sottolinea il valore dei processi agli ex militari argentini, tenuti in Italia, ma anche in Spagna, Francia e Germania: “Mostrano che la magistratura argentina non è sola a giudicare e condannare persone che si sono rese colpevoli di crimini contro l'umanità. Fino al 2003, quando il presidente Nestor Kirchener ha abolito le cosiddette "leggi della vergogna" che garantivano l'amnistia agli ex militari del regime, i processi in Europe was the only way in which the relatives of the victims could seek redress. Subsequently, the European processes are now excluded. But still crucial in supporting the justice of a country that, after three decades, faces enormous difficulties with the wounds of the past. "

The "madres" disappeared and new
Through the "Madres de Plaza de Mayo" and associations with which Argentina is still in contact, Calamai knows the difficulties that still meet in Argentina, in the trials of crimes of the dictatorship "The situation is difficult and dangerous because there are many judges who were appointed by the military right now find themselves on trial. Hence, complicity, and bureaucratic failure. But even threats to physical integrity of witnesses, their lawyers and judges themselves willing to make the proceedings go forward. " These threats came to fruition, as in the case of the witness, Julio Lopez disappeared, died in 2006, the day of the conviction of a soldier whose trial had testified. It was never found. Then there were other seizures of this kind, even if they were issued. "One of the most disturbing stories - says Calamai - is that of a witness, that immediately after meeting with his lawyer received an anonymous phone call was made when the replay recording the entire conversation just before the lawyer. " A clear threat. "Nevertheless, says ex-diplomat-are all determined to go forward."

prevent the state crimes
"The main limitation of these processes is that they point their finger at the Argentine military, but not against the Italian complicity that made possible the crimes, leaving obscure the role played by the political class and from Italy's industrial system, "says the former diplomat. "The fact there is advocacy of the State as a party, denies any possibility of self-criticism by the Italian institutions - Cama insists - while only getting to clarify the responsibilities, you can prevent future conduct cooperation with authorities who are guilty of crimes against humanity. " So speaks of this: "Just as thirty years ago, closed their eyes to the atrocities committed by the military in Argentina because it gave priority to maintain good diplomatic relations in order to protect the economic interests of our companies, so today is close their eyes to the systematic cruelty committed against immigrants. In particular, the face of what is happening in places of detention for migrants in Libya, because, for political reasons, you prefer that these people do not arrive in Italy. " It warns: "Today you go even further: it comes to finance, facilities in which you reach documented human rights violations. It makes sure that you do not see, in silence while pursuing a policy that, with cynicism and ruthlessness, systematically violates human rights. "

Friday, August 7, 2009

Heart Palpitations And Kidney Disease


few hours comes into force on security package, many rules ridiculous and appalling, stupid and inhuman, of which the application is not yet clear. What upsets me most is the norm on the prohibition of registration of newborns by parents illegal. Luck is at that point the children as "children of unknown parents" become automatically Italians, but the risk is that they would be ready for adoption. Apparently. But we'll see and, of course, to report. Meanwhile, carry the most comprehensive comment which I think has been written about this decree of the Italian government.

The Senate today approved the so-called Minister of Interior Security Package Maroni.Mi ashamed of being Italian and being Christian. I never thought that a country like Italy could pass a law as racist and xenophobic. We who have lived for centuries by migrating to find a loaf of bread (there are 60 million Italians living abroad!), Now repeat about immigrants the same treatment but rather grew worse that we Italians have suffered a bit 'all over the world.This law was passed in the wake of a long growing racism and xenophobia in the league is the best espressione.Il heart of the law is that the underground is now a criminal. I would remind you that illegal immigrants are not criminals but those economic and financial structures that force people to emigrate. Pope John 23 degrees in Pacem in Terris is a reminder that emigrate diritto.Fra other things the law requires the tax to the residence permit (our immigrants are not harassed enough already?), The patrols, the residence permit of points , restrictive rules on family reunification and mixed marriages, imprisonment of up to 4 years for illegal immigrants who do not respect the order of expulsion, and finally the ban illegal for a woman who gives birth in hospital to recognize their child or enroll in the Registry. This is an apartheid legislation , who comes from afar via the Turkish-Napolitano law unconstitutional until the Bossi-Fini. All of this is the result of a political world of left and right who pilloried washers, street vendors, beggars and Roma. This is a racist culture that is leading us into the abyss of exclusion and marginalization. "This threatens to drain from the constitutional guarantees built 60 years ago - so they wrote in their appeal to anthropologists Italian - against the return of fascism that revealed itself to the racial laws. "I would note that our Constitution was written largely by political exiles, returned home from exile as a result of Fascism. Twice the Italian constitution speaks of asylum, that the parliament has never transformed into He reads not only ashamed to be Italian, but I am ashamed even to be Christian, this law is the denial of fundamental truths of the Good News of Jesus of Nazareth. I ask the Italian Church the courage to denounce in no uncertain terms that a law is at odds with the fundamentals of the faith cristiana.Penso that as Christians we have the courage of civil disobedience. This is the invitation who had made the cardinal R. Mahoney of Los Angeles (California) in 2006 when he struggled in the U.S. where a similar law stated that the illegal immigrant is a criminal. In the homily of Ash Wednesday in his cathedral, the cardinal of Los Angeles said that if the law was approved, he asked his staff and all the diocesan priests civil disobedience. I think that the Italian bishops should do today altrettanto.Davanti this law I am ashamed as a missionary I was a guest of the peoples of Africa for over 20 years, we now reject people, indifferent to their situations of injustice and impoverishment of . We Italians should remember all those words that God spoke to Israel: "Do not vex a stranger nor oppress him, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt" (Exodus 22:20).

Monday, July 13, 2009

Blueprints For Tree Swing


There 's been the first (and only) team of Italian political refugees and asylum seekers, the main recognition Mondiali annually organized by Uisp (Italian Union of Sport for All). The "World Cup" awarded a team, a project that sought to give a different image of the term "refugee", proliferating in our media with negative value, comparing it to the image of "player", which is known figure popular in Italy.

can not be say that the visibility is not the Liberi Nantes, which last year
have appeared in several TV as well as on the main Italian newspapers and magazines. What has not changed is the precarious condition of virtually all the players on the team, and generally difficult to be recognized as people with academic qualifications and professionalism, in addition to the difficulties of life and football skills.

On this the players were not helped much either by the many media that have given attention, with some exceptions. This is why today I would like to point out the article published in the journal paper a few weeks ago, the journalist Lucia Alessi, who spoke in a balanced manner, the different aspects of complex reality, summarized in the team "Liberi Nantes.

Lucia Alessi (Charter)

. [A few swimmers appear in the vast sea]. First Book of the Aeneid: forced to flee from war and violence, the Trojan hero abandons his earth find refuge on the coast of Lazio, where, legend has it, build the city of Rome. A refugee, therefore, give rise to the 'Roman race. "

Again oggi Enea fugge ogni giorno dai paesi in cui è nato e cresciuto: che si tratti dell’Afghanistan, dell’Eritrea, o della Somalia, non cambia molto. Solo che il mare oggi sembra essere ben più affollato, e quei «rari nantes» sono diventati migliaia, molti dei quali approdano, anche loro, sulle coste della penisola italiana; 38 mila di questi, come Enea, sono rimasti qui.
Come Maws, un informatico togolese, 30 anni, in Italia da 20 mesi. Parla un italiano stentato
ma corretto, elegante; merito del suo francese. «In Togo ero un attivista politico, lottavo contro la
dittatura di Faure Gnassingbé, figlio dell’ex dittatore Gnassingbé Eyadema, con l’Unione delle forze per change [UFC] - says maws - The government has put in prison
once, but when she got the second call I knew what I was going
meeting, and I was forced to flee. " With the help of UFC, maws
can reach Ghana, and there, with a false passport, to catch a plane to Rome. In addition to freedom, another great passion is flying in the heart of maws football.

was a professional league in his country, "the first salary came from my high school coach the team. In exchange for not paying the tuition, but my father did not know, so I kept the money for me - amused says - But then I preferred to continue his studies, leaving that football remained a passion. " Arriving in Italy, his new house is called Astalli Center, where he met a friend, who was also with the passion for football. It is he who brings the maws of the slack, "Nantes Free Ads," where maws not believe his eyes: a team made up entirely of refugees and asylum seekers.

Founded in 2007, Liberi Nantes is the result of the sporting passion of a group of young Romans who came back from World antiracist Casalecchio, decide to make their contribution to replace the culture of anti-sectarian hatred that too often hovers over the fans. "We wanted to merge two topics very Strengths: football and political refugees - said the president, Gianluca Di Girolamo - we had read a similar experience in the U.S. and we liked the idea of \u200b\u200bputting together the passion of so many children, with stories so special.
"We did not know how it would be so difficult to combine experience, team spirit was the hardest thing to build - continues Giroux. - The vast majority of them grew up in a hostile environment, used to go it alone. It is not easy, point-blank
, begin to trust someone else. " But little by little, the boys have made it, thanks to the passion that binds them and a strong will.

"We started to train in winter, T-shirts given away by the fishermen of Ostia and it was terribly cold," recalls Ali, Afghanistan. But such was the desire "to train also withdrew dinner," he says proudly, recalling the hard times of the reception centers. "At first everyone was playing only with their fellow-maws still remembers -
Then we talked about: we had to play all together to be a team, and the day that we were really united in the field, we won. There we see, "he says with emotion.

After a year of sacrifice, in September 2008, the team is able to enroll in the Journal of the Italian Federation
Championship game Football - National League amateur
third category. "It was not easy to combine training with the job search,
pursuits permissions - tells maws - immediately after the registration to the League
we found ourselves without a team." This is the time when maws
understand what it means to be a captain, he was rebuilding the team, thanks to a strong
mediation work: "One of us had gone to France to seek better conditions
: I managed to convince to come back, 'and there are also those who
has even left an engagement in first class to return from his companions.

Of the 200 children who took turns in Free nantes, 26 are enrolled today,
they are mostly from Afghanistan and many African countries torn by civil wars or dictatorships
. "In other European countries is not the case - said Ali bitter - if you recognize the status
allow you to live in dignity, they give you a house and a
work. Here in Italy, however, our rights are only on paper but in reality
not give us anything, "he concludes. "Each of us remembers some
died during the journey to Europe, we are very frightened by what is happening in
Italy," adds maws. And after a championship
concluded in tenth position out of 14 competing teams, i Liberi nantes guardano ai Mondiali
antirazzisti di luglio, organizzati dall’Unione italiana sport per tutti [Uisp], che ha
subito sostenuto l’iniziativa mettendo a disposizione il campo del «Fulvio Bernardini» per gli
allenamenti, condividendo l’idea dello sport come strumento di integrazione e socializzazione.

Ma il coraggio della squadra più multietnica d’Italia non ha lasciato indifferente
neanche l’Alto commissariato Onu per i rifugiati: «Al mondo siamo i soli ad avere
il simbolo Acnur sulle maglie», spiega De Girolamo. L’altro undici patrocinato
dall’Onu è proprio il Barcellona che scala la vetta della Champion’s league proprio mentre, tra e secondo tempo, Maws ci racconta della sua squadra.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Thank You Section Of Wedding Programs


pubblicato anche sulla rivista di VPS (Volontari Per lo Sviluppo:

Occhi magnetici e ironici, un fisico imponente reso ancora più autorevole dall’abito tradizionale del Senegal. E’ una presenza carismatica, Mamadou Cissoko, il presidente onorario della Roppa, rete di migliaia di associazioni di contadini africani. E' a Roma invitato da ITALIAFRICA, rete di ONG e associazioni del nostro paese, che da anni lavora al fianco dei contadini africani in political struggles and lobbying for the construction of sustainable agricultural policies in both the North and South.

smiles when asked to comment on the proposal of the Minister Franco Frattini on the allocation of € 30 million for a large program of cooperation and prevention of in Senegal, "Frattini should not be talking with the government, but with the migrants themselves who are the actors! "The Senegalese are living in Italy 6000, about 12,000 more irregular with their work, produce 10 -13 percent of GDP in Senegal. Citing these data Cissoko jokes again: "This percentage is higher than the proposed Frattini, who then does not suit us! "But then again seriously " We do not need money in European Union countries, but policies that make possible our development: I have not come to Italy to
I think Europe can develop Africa, but to prevent the destroying "

" Today, Senegal is flooded with European products, thanks to the subsidies they enjoy, are cheaper than those in Africa, "Cissoko said. "In African countries, but agricultural subsidies are non-existent for 20 years as World Bank and International Monetary Fund have placed the elimination of all public aid to agriculture, as condition for the disbursement of aid and loans, "continued the representative Roppa. In Africa, an average of $ 247 invested per hectare, only one dollar from the public is assured, while the rest must be supplied by the farmers themselves. Thus, the emergence of subsidized products from Pac (Common Agricultural Policy) of the European Union, African farmers have no choice but to abandon the countryside in droves to the cities in search of work and, sometimes, to embark looking for a better future in Europe. "This situation - says Cissoko - has become even more complex this year with increasing competition from Brazil and India, che producono banane e altri beni alimentari a prezzi più bassi dei paesi africani”. Nel 2008 infatti l'Unione Europea, per adempiere agli obblighi assunti con l'Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio (Omc), ha interrotto i rapporti economici preferenziali con i paesi Acp (le ex colonie di Africa Caraibi e Pacifico), tra cui vi sono molti Stati africani.

Per Cissoko, l'unica via per frenare la fuga dalle campagne, paradossale in tempi di crisi alimentare, è proteggere le economie africane “come ha fatto l'Europa per 50 anni” e rafforzare l'integrazione commerciale attraverso l'Ecowas e le altre organizzazioni economiche regionali del continente. “Come dice l'Ifad, sono necessari investimenti nell'agricoltura country - confirms Sissoko - but especially in roads to facilitate trade between African countries. " This line is part of the appeal of the World Coalition Against Poverty at the G7 economic summit, called on the world's richest countries to increase funding for agriculture (3.9 billion dollars a year to 30) to pursue the Millennium provides a halving of the number of people who suffer from hunger. In the last year but this figure has increased, reaching a staggering 963 people undernourished. Of which about three-quarters live in rural areas.

In recent years, agriculture has been neglected dagli investimenti pubblici per lo sviluppo: se tra 1980 e 2007 i paesi industrializzati (Ocse) hanno aumentato gli aiuti allo sviluppo da 20 a 100 miliardi di dollari, negli stessi anni i fondi destinati a progetti agricoli sono scesi da 17 a 3 miliardii, la maggior parte dei quali, secondo l'organizzazione Via Campesina, non sono andati ai piccoli produttori. Un documento pubblicato dalla Campagna EuropAfrica (rete di associazioni della società civile europee e africane) sottolinea: “In Africa occidentale l'agricoltura familiare impiega il 60 per cento della popolazione attiva, occupando il 90 per cento delle terre coltivate: se fosse sostenuta adeguatamente potrebbe soddisfare la crescente domanda di cibo del continente”. “Non è hunger, to cause the migration of the peoples of West Africa, which are traditionally travelers - concludes Cissoko - but certainly the food crisis of recent times has given new impetus to escape. " To remedy this you will need to quickly put into practice the guidelines established by the Conference of the four regional networks of African farmers (Roppa for the area west of the continent, PROPAC for the central, eastern and Sacau Eaff for the southern hemisphere) that African governments must "ensure the protection of local markets," but also "devote 20 to 30 percent of their budgets to support agricultural activities - pastoral-forestry and fisheries." Si chiede quindi di investire in Africa i circa 25 miliardi di dollari che la Commissione Economica Africana ha calcolato vengano spesi ogni anno per l'importazione di cibo da Europa, Cina e Americhe. Un cambiamento di rotta impossibile, dicono le organizzazioni africane, se le istituzioni dei Paesi sviluppati si opporranno. La palla passa al prossimo G8.

Per ulteriori approfondire:

Bonefish Grill Carmel


Approvato il pacchetto sicurezza. Chi poteva dubitarne? Approvato il reato di clandestinità. Discriminatorio, anticostituzionale, contrario a ogni dichiarazione sui diritti dell'uomo ma.. per molti (troppi, unfortunately) so there are no Italians crimes of foreigners, as the crime of being foreigners . It can be seen in its banality, even in the tale of a previous post "Tiburtina Sunday night and a red silk dress embroidered in gold."

But if they are the majority, we who oppose us more determined, united and strong in our anger. These are some pictures from an anti - security package a few months ago.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Phrases For A Sympathy Card


Indigenous reduction the streets in Peru ', guys who scream their anger of the cameras, despite the violent repression. Young Iranians, to defy an army believed them sedated occur at night. Without phones, without Internet connection, without certainty, without protection.

diverse objectives of the two movements: freedom of land expropriation in favor of the first multinationals, from the oppression of a government ultrareligioso the second. But one energy. That compared with which the assets no longer count. Because in those countries if you rebel, put in the first and only game of the matters that really you have, your body. And you know, for having participated in that procession, or you can lie morto, torturato o imprigionato per anni.

Ma accade che prevalga un desiderio più forte del mangiare, del dormire e del riprodursi. Un diverso istinto di sopravvivenza. Quello che ci distingue dalle bestie. Non esiste solo in Iran e Perù. Anche se non hanno grande attenzione dai nostri media, molti paesi dell'Africa hanno forti movimenti di opposizione a dittature e governi autoritari e migliaia (migliaia!) di morti nelle proteste ad ogni elezione truccata. Un esempio, l'Etiopia: circa 3.000 morti dopo le elezioni del 2005 ( e circa 30.000 prigionieri politici nello stesso periodo).

Oggi molti ragazzi originari di questi paesi faticano ad ottenere l'asilo politico in Italia. Spesso non gli viene concesso neanche consegnando all documents and evidence necessary. Instead of welcoming the scorn is offered, sometimes violence, if all goes well tolerance. From whom do not jeopardize a finger of his body. Who has not an ounce of that courage. And sometimes I think, maybe it's just the point. Who in this country, remember what that feeling? The political passion, the air of freedom?

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunfish For Sale Chicago


E 'was a nice we, although with a delay of 55 minutes by train from Florence, we had just managed to miss the last metro. In the drizzle of this end of May, wet but not cold, with friend Ali made us succeed as well take well to wait for the night in the square at the Tiburtina station. But passes Bus 2, just after it passes to another and they are all Anagnina, we seek the opposite direction for passing the time and still not come. Luckily there's this guy tondarello, with the label of the Sky TV begins to call to complain Atac, ask when the next pass, because the service does not go .. However if you do not have much yarn and so we were all three sitting on the bench to admire the bridge deck and sometimes approaching to each motor, for a good half an hour. Any comments to the guy we traded him to, but nothing that until the moment when, as if by magic, appeared two Oriental girls with bright red traditional dress embroidered in gold, to illuminate the bleak vision of the square Tiburtine by night. Accompanied by other relatives in formal dress. Ale was pointed out that today we closed the week of the Bengali New Year. "They look like a circus," said the Big Belly close to us, immediately followed by my reply angrily "I'm rather happy, not sad as others!" "Who else?"
"Er, but you work for Sky, right?", Ale immediately intervened to divert the conversation, knowing my irritability on certain topics. The question about the job is not served to avoid the typical sentence, the tam tam newspaper "these aliens must return to their homes." Then he told us that worked in puglia in a call center owned by an Indian, "That if he was somehow able to afford" (because, of course, an Indian must necessarily arrive in Italy died of hunger ..). However, a 'friend of his had stolen in a call center and then was gone. Not finding it more, India has denounced him, "are malicious and vindictive," he said. "Very well, as many Italians, I say, but if they go back to India ch'avevi you miss that miserable chore!" At that point, you entered a African boy, he too was waiting at the stop: "And you , think a bit 'to the imprentitori Berlusconi and Italian banks that steal !!.." "But at least those are Italian!" he replied, looking to say the logical thing and discounted world, the type of Sky.

This elegant as the beautiful Indian continued to talk with their parents, who had sparked the debate ingnara. Until, finally, came this famous night 2. And as a small, poor-Italy, has brought us all home.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How Brazilian Wax Looks Like


Last Saturday I took a ride to the Night of the Museums. I must say, I felt nostalgia for the White Nights veltroniane, which were bright and colorful, while this is a night of Alemanno in very black and white rhetoric. Then, when the buildings of the Piazza del Campidoglio, were shown rolling faces of Roman emperors, the rhetoric on ancient Rome has reached the limit for me ..
However, the fact that we went with maws, coming from far away and yet with those ancient stories is much more comfortable to me, gave meaning to the whole evening. Given the intractable file in other museums more attractive, in Piazza Venezia we toured the museum on the "Christmas of Rome". Thus, on the boards, I reread the story of Aeneas: greek noble son of Venus, participate in the Trojan War (Asia Minor, now Turkey), as a niece, for part of his father, King Priam's ancient city. Here he distinguished himself as a valiant warrior but had to flee and the endless wanderings described in the Aeneid was completed only with the landing in Latium, where he married la principessa Lavinia e dalla lora discendenza fu creata Roma. Chi se non un rifugiato è questo eroe celebrato nel museo dell'altare della patria?

Ma la vicenda più divertente è venuta con la storia di Romolo e Remo. Al vedere la lupa ho cercato di raccontare la leggenda dei due gemelli a Maws, prima di scoprire che non me la ricordavo affatto mentre invece lui ce l'aveva fresca della scuola d'italiano che frequenta. Così ha cominciato a raccontarmi, in modo appassionato, la storia di Rea Silvia, discendente di Enea e obbligata a divenire vestale, quindi casta, che però il dio marte possiede e rendendola madre di due gemelli destinati a fondare Roma: "Poichè erano due gemelli, a decidere il luogo dove costruire Roma and its first king, the gods had to decide: Romulus won the test of the birds. "maws I then explained why Romulus, after he killed the brother:" He wanted to avoid, as .. a coup. "
Yeah, I thought. And I remembered that in the maws of the country, Togo, not even a month ago, the dictator has been almost removed from power by his own brother. Their family has been in power for over 40 years and has already completed a lot of crimes against life and freedom.

maws, with his experience, gave substance to the story of the origins of Rome, who always think, just a fairy tale.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Date And Place Of Discovery For Shingles


Yesterday la Camera , con 316 voti a favore e 258 contrari ha votato la fiducia posta dal Governo sull’approvazione del suo decreto già approvato dal Senato, recante Disposizioni in materia di sicure zza pubblica . Ora il testo dovrà tornare al Senato per l’approvazione definitiva, dopo le modifiche apportate in aula. In sede di Commissione infatti era stata stralciata dal pacchetto la contestata norma sui medici-spia e reitrodotte le ronde ed il prolungamento fino a 180 giorni della permanenza nei Cie.

Questo pacchetto sicurezza viene votato con la fiducia degli italiani , oltre che con quella posta dal governo. Se si guarda le tabelle Ipsos, il 65 per cento of Italians are in favor of the rejections of migrants to Libya to Lampedusa . For me it's no surprise: just look at the comments to the news on immigration published by any newspaper (not only free but also Ilcorriere, until you get to The inhumanity is normal today, it was declared as common sense.

But we also look for glimmers of humanity going upwind and which have, however, brought some results :

The elimination of the rule on doctors and spy on the principals- light, which has been treated at length in this blog is the result of the struggle of hundreds of associations and non-medical, religious or not, (from Doctors Without Borders in S. Egidio), from international pressure but also of common sense shown by the parliamentary majority (the Mussolini Fini). E 'fruit, also the awareness that such a rule may be hazardous to the health of the Italians themselves, after all aware that immigration is an inevitable process. But not only. I believe that these interventions have also been dictated by a sense of humanity that still remains, albeit hidden, in the minds of the Italians and that politicians are having to represent.

for this rare and precious. To be protected, with interventions that promote the integration of people difficult, as those who land on Lampedusa, which is war, violence and often do not have adequate professional training to the already difficult search for a job. It 's true that the right of asylum is sacred, but also hundreds and hundreds of people, after being accepted must be helped to integrate. Otherwise, there is panic. And the fear and the political exploitation ..

remain in the safety rules package very serious and inhuman :
(I put the main points of the excellent summary taken from the site

1) Weddings and Italian citizenship
Introduction dell’ obbligo di esibire il permesso di soggiorno per chi si vuole sposare . Niente più matrimoni quindi neppure tra "irregolare" ed "irregolare", che non comporterebbe nessun tipo di "regolarizzazione";

2) Ingresso e soggiorno irregolare
Si introduce il reato di ingresso e soggiorno irregolare ma senza che questo comporti l’immediata incarcerazione. E’ prevista un’ammenda da 5.000 a 10.000 euro . Inoltre è prevista la possibilità di rimpatrio senza il rilascio del nulla osta da parte dell’autorità competente;

3) Iscrizione anagrafica
Le istanze di iscrizione o of change of registered residence, may lead to verification by the city office, the health conditions of the property, but only in accordance with health regulations in force. It will go to undermine the rights of the immigrant, the Italian community and the citizens themselves, resulting in a chain on the possibility of access to childcare, the provision of income support, etc etc et;

4) Viewed d ' entry for family reunification
can no longer require a visa if di'ingresso authorization shall not be issued after 180 days of the completion of the practice. It also vanishes the only way of guaranteeing the right to family unity expected to cope with bureaucratic delays;

5) Performance of a residence permit
It introduces the need to show their permit to soggorno for all acts of state civil. This means that even the simple but sacrosanct right to recognize a child , for those without a passport and will be submitted to the filter of the applicant's residence permit. An exception, in addition to that provided for health care, will be awarded for the registration of children at school.

The so-called services money transfer will be required to request permission to stay and keep copies for ten years. Must also communicate the fact of service delivery to the competent authority in the case concerns a person does not have authorization;

6) 180 days of detention in Cie
after bocciattura It reintroduces the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies in ' scope of debate on the decree law No 11, the extension of detention periods in Cie up to a maximum of 180 days;

7) A contribution from 80 to 200 €
For all practices relating to the grant or renewal of residence permits should be pay this contribution to economic

8) aiding and abetting illegal entry
are tightened all the rules related to the facilitation of illegal entry, but are not in any way affected the sanctions with regard to the exploiters. Who, in the exploitation of legal residence, draw an unfair advantage (who employs illegal workers underpaid) will not then aggravated the situation.

Sticker by:

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Plantar Fasciitis Condition_symptoms

Pristina hello!

Today I was able to turn around for good. Without chasing bus to take, places or people to interview by vistitare. Today I was able to quietly observe the three minarets in a row in your old neighborhood and infect me from the quiet 'of your elderly who savor the sunshine on the veranda of the mosque, or chat by the fountain of marble and the' next. I could see the kebabbaro (quebabtore!) chevapi cook the sausages and smoking, before your typical season with pepper and tomatoes. With the camera I finally collected the signs more 'fun you have checked on him in recent years: bar "Boss" restaurant "Boston" hair salon "Love" and many many more, even the best that I can not remember. I shot again between the bars and cafes' fashion, that make you look like a chic Milan e snob, mille miglia lontana dalle campagne poverissime che invece ti circondano. Sono anche ripassata, naturamente, dal quartire Un, Osce, Eulex (e chi piu' ne ha piu' ne metta..), situato tutto intorno alla Police street. Ho sbuffato ancora una volta alla vista di tante tante tante fuoristrada e suv di lusso e ho pensato di nuovo a tutti i contrasti, i traffici e le ingiustizie che rappresenti oggi.
Ma, risalendo la collina verso la guesthouse, sono rimasta incantata dai grappoli di fiori bianchi dei tuoi alberi in questa stagione, che si riflettono nelle pozzanghere lasciate dalla pioggia insieme ai tetti delle tue case ben fatte, come delle baite. E, con i bambini che giocavano intorno, quei tetti mi hanno rimandato ad un cielo bianco, che non I can describe, with accumulations that lead to gray to purple to blue ..

In the picture (Alessia Leonello): Me and Mark in a cafe in Pristina

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sailboats For Sale Bc


Before Roman riimmergermi into madness, I tell you a bit 'of the Balkans ..
So tonight, the Serbs celebrate Orthodox Easter, and the wonderful monastesteri spread out over this great land more 'or less as the Umbria, the ceremony will go ahead from midnight until the morning tomorrow. We hope all goes well, given that the Serbs are a minority, say not much loved in this former region of Serbia and the Albanian Muslim majority, which has declared independence one year. However should spin smoothly because each monastery here and 'guarded night and day by trucks of the KFOR (NATO soldiers in Kosovo). Unbelievable is not it? But very true: many churches and monasteries, a symbol of Serbian roots of this land have been a few years ago, attacked and burned by Albanian groups (which, in turn, a few years earlier had been persecuted by the ethnic cleansing of Milosevic). Only soldiers pototuto protect the frescoes that cover the interior of the imposing medieval monastery of Decani, the most 'important of these holy places (among other things, led by a ganzissimo Father Sava, a former rock band lead by a Serb), and anyway, the bulletproof glass of the cab of the military appear designed by gusts machine gun.

Tonight we do not get more 'ceremonies (why not' frightened by 4-5 hours of running! :-)) For an accident, (fortunately not serious), came to my traveling companion .. and, in reality ', I would like to tell because' well helps to explain what 's the situation here. Well this morning we went to Mitrovica, and that 'the city' in northern Kosovo around where some of the approximately 100,000 Serbs who still live there. In reality 'the city' and 'split half': the southern part of the river Ibar and 'Albanians in the north and the' Serbian. In between, on the bridge, there are (guess?) Soldiers of the KFOR. Us this morning we crossed, passing from the Albanian and Serb. Which means pass from noisy streets with shops in turkish style and a lot of garbage in the streets, streets square, clean and quiet. It means moving from a euphoric atmosphere nervous, scared, in which even the guys do not want to be photographed. The crossing and 'then clearly signposted graphically red flags are left with the Albanian eagle on display in every balcony, window or public building (along with the American flag and Kosovo) and are exposed tricolor Serbs around, sometimes with signs that thunders "Kosovo and 'Serbia." We say that this contrast in order to photograph my friend, (capita..) And is' taking a strong retort. And we say that the bad luck we were happy that it happened just at the "precise" the city '. In fact, once the ambulance took her to the hospital, the fact sheet (thankfully nothing broken) and wrap in an hour and then called a taxi to return. Now the only problem was that the taxi Serbian only up to the river, like all machines on the other side, crossing and 'taboo! It is practically impossible: "Of course you have to cross the bridge alone!" Said the nurse who had just finished putting a kind of plaster to my friend, who obviously could not walk. At the end when crossing the Kosovo police accompanied us nicely. Apart from the cast and of course the hassle, all right at the end for us, though, 'which stories ..

Foto di Alessia Leonello: militare italiano saluta un monaco nel monastero di Decani

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Find A Combination Calculator Lock

New Website New site up

The new site is now working ; refer to it for news, contacts and documents.
This blog however will no longer be updated.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Personalized Chap Stick Wedding Favor

We apologize for the lack of updates but it is a new site in progress: .
alerts, news and events will resume as soon as possible.