(photo by Valeria Galletti)
This is an article I wrote for a newspaper in the free press most common, with the intent (though a bit 'too ambitious) to "make at least a little' pressure 'because the competent authorities, turning our thoughts to the matter. Is not new, I know. Afghans encamped Ostiense talking for months, years. And they continue to arrive, and after travel unimaginable, to resist cold and uncomfortable. The news has not gone up that newspaper, too blocked in this time of Christmas advertising. The public here now, dedicated to the activities of the association which continues to deal with this flow of young East - our only detection of a war fought far from here - during the long periods between the peaks of media attention.
"They come with fever, dermatitis, respiratory diseases and we give antibiotics which provides us with Caritas, but how can they recover if they continue to sleep outdoors, with this cold?" Alberto e Chiara sono volontari dell'Associazione Medu (Medici per i diritti umani), che da anni assiste i rifugiati dell'Afghanistan che giungono alla stazione Ostiense, snodo fondamentale per i giovani in fuga da quel paese martoriato dal conflitto. Punto di riferimento della migrazione, ma anche e sempre di più, luogo di accampamento, a causa della carenza di strutture pubbliche dedicate all'accoglienza di richiedenti asilo a Roma. Un dramma, quando arriva il gelo di questi giorni. E di queste notti.
Una soluzione per alcuni di loro, è stata trovata dal Comune di Roma, nel Centro di accoglienza per richiedenti asilo (Cara) di Castelnuovo di Porto dove, in seguito alla pressione del Medu e di altre organizzazioni impegnate alongside the Afghan refugees on 12 November have been moved hundreds of "inhabitants" dell'Ostiense. But many stayed outside and continued to sleep in tents made from nylon, about twenty, whose summer colors clash with the landscape yards and puddles of ice surrounding the rail terminal. "Wednesday morning when we opened our mobile clinic, 80 people came," said Alberto Barbieri, general coordinator of the medu, indicating that as the number of Afghans still camped near the Ostiense station. "We demand that can be incorporated in a closed place, too," appeals. The request of the medu and other associations who have followed the Afghans, Laboratorio53 as Yo and migrate, and to be offered to young refugees places still available at the center of Castelnuovo di Porto, currently run by the Red Cross. "At least during the cold period of the emergency until January-February."
"In the future we ask that you can create a service center and hosting, right here in Ostiense," Barbieri said, stressing that the flow of children fleeing the war is continuing. "We ask also for the inhabitants of the neighborhood," said Barbieri, the goal of establishing itself as the host and also avoid degradation and promote coexistence. Currently, the district did not deny solidarity: "Poor souls, come I have to take the boxes, "said a newsagent nearby. While the bowling club, has offered its premises for overseeing health and care of medu." But - says Alberto - this situation can not last long. "
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