From La Repubblica - March 1, 2011
Executives external action in the prosecutor's office. Lombardo Massimo Russo and suspects.
Palermo magistrates have opened an investigation with input from the Court of Auditors. And assuming the abuse of office
The appointment of senior officials outside the regional administration is a case for months. What is even finished the attention of the Constitutional Court, on appeal from the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. "They were made of external recruitment over the limit of ten per cent stipulated by national law," he slapped the Minister for Relations with the Regions, Raffaele Lease. The governor Lombardo replied with equal firmness, "is currently a political attack from Rome." But recently the appointment of external superburocrati are no longer just a political case. The preliminary investigation launched by the Prosecutor of the Court of Auditors, which is exploring the possibility of a loss of revenue, was recently forwarded to the Prosecutor's Office. The new specification has already prosecute precise to check: the 'abuse of office for two appointments in particular, that of Romeo Palma (at the legislative office and legal) and the Mauritian Guizzardi (health) . Log in suspects have been writing the President of the Region, Raffaele Lombardo, the Health and Alderman, Massimo Russo. After sending the dossier to the Court of Auditors is almost a duty, but the investigation does not appear at all easy, even for the legal implications under review by the Consulta. Of course, it is the first time that the names of the governor and councilor Lombardo Russo end under investigation the Prosecutor of Palermo. Russian for the first time really unusual, given that for years was one of the leading judges of the District Anti-Mafia Directorate. The investigation conducted by the prosecutor and the substitute Leonardo Agueci Maria Forti, who are part of the pool "crimes against public officials. " Yesterday afternoon, prosecutors called as a witness was Professor John Pitruzzella: the Constitutionalist junta Lombardo had requested an opinion on nine external appointments of regional managers. It was May of last year. The verdict was clear: "We must withdraw the positions of outside directors," stated the opinion expressed by Pitruzzella. And even the "wise men" of the administration invested appropriate, the Secretary-General eManual Enzo and the chief of staff John Bologna, had the same idea. Were highlighted several flaws in the procedures for appointing external managers: first, the failure to find among the more than two thousand executives of professional interior di uguale valore, così come prevede la legge Brunetta. Alla fine il governo aveva confermato il contratto di dirigente esterno solo a Guizzarci e Palma, poi anche a Salvatore Barbagallo (all’Agricoltura) e a Gian Maria Sparma (alla Pesca). Per i primi tre era arrivato «l’apprezzamento» dei saggi per il loro curriculum. Adesso la Procura vuole andare a fondo alla vicenda delle nomine esterne: la Regione detiene già il record nazionale dei dirigenti (2.111, ovvero uno ogni 5,6 dipendenti). In Lombardia ce ne sono 300, uno ogni dodici impiegati. Nell’amministrazione statale il rapporto è di uno a cinquanta. Il sindacato dei dirigenti regionali ha già promesso battaglia, e al Tar si discuteranno presto decine di ricorsi against the decision to resort to external superburocrati.
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