Programma prossime gare:
Sovico e Cernusco
Come anticipato da tempo con la pubblicazione del calendario invernale, l e prossime gare in programma saranno la seconda campestre, Domenica 13 Marzo a Sovico per tutte le categorie, e il Giro delle Quattro Piazze , manifestazione organizzata dalla nostra Società per la Festa di S. Giuseppe, Venerdì March 18 in downtown Cernusco .
section EVENTS we published plans for both days .
With regard to the country on 13 March to Sovico , is a race for all categories then open to all athletes who train at the sports ground in via Buonarroti (born 1996-2005) . The trend of the day is similar to that already lived on March 6 in Cassano. For this race will need to confirm its presence within the 18 to Friday, March 11 All information can be found in section EVENTS . We hope for a large participation , so to beat the number of 39 participants Cassano!
As for the Tour of four Squares March 18, it will be a non-competitive of about 2 km , organized by our company in cooperation with the City of Cernusco and the Lions Club Cernusco, the Feast of St. Joseph. It will therefore be a good opportunity to promote athletics in the area, with the combination of our sport and an important event for all citizens C ernusco which the traditional Fair . In addition we will conduct our business in the heart of Old Town Cernusco , between Piazza Matteotti, Gavazzi, Unity of the Republic and Italy, perhaps even before going home to some of our athletes ... Participation is open to all our athletes of all ages. The race of the day REPLACES training for athletes of the categories young persons and cadets / e. Therefore, no training will be held at the camp.
Given the proximity to home and the rare possibility of a race in the historic center, we expect a participation particularly large!
Here is the flyer Tour of Four Squares; the program with the internal organization of our company, however, can be found in section EVENTS .

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