Friday, December 12, 2008

Beautiful Butterfly Sayings


The December 12, 2008 students and students of Frederick II, after the event tied to the general strike, have occupied the premises in Mezzocannone 16 to create a real space that is a reference point for struggles throughout the university, since this location is home to many faculty courses.

focus of this action is the blocking student elections scheduled for 16 and 17dicembre, we decided to give a strong signal that meets the wavering and tactical games of the rector Trombley (who had initially postponed indefinitely, under the pressure from students and female students, the convening of December 2 and 3) to demonstrate that the mobilization in all faculties of the University is alive more than ever, and that the climate of serenity, according to the chancellor, it would be necessary for the normal conduct of the elections, there is . The current

rappresentanz and have proved, especially in recent months to protest a useless tool, not representative of the student bodies, body of people dedicated solely to the achievement of personal interests or somewhere. These representatives are nothing more than delegates bureaucrats, and this movement rejects the notion of delegation.

And 'We want to emphasize our complete independence from any political party, trade union or electoral . We have no desire to stand in these elections or not those to come.

then forcefully denounce the presence, within applications, lists of members and neo-fascists (block student in Law). In this context

be rethought the whole system of representation in the direction of a real expansion of participation and increasing political weight of students in the academic life.

The radical choice of employment is intended to revive the political energy the student movement against the Neapolitan Law 133, the culmination of attacchi che, da 15 anni a questa parte, stanno trasformando l'università pubblica all'insegna del profitto privato; in un momento in cui i Media, strumento ideologico del Potere, intendono zittirlo con il loro colpevole silenzio.
Con questa occupazione intendiamo rinsaldare l' unità delle lotte di tutti i soggetti sociali colpiti da questa storica crisi del capitalismo. Da anni, attraverso processi di privatizzazione e precarizzazione, governi di centro-destra e centro-sinistra, dietro le spinte di direttive europee come la Strategia di Lisbona o la Bolkenstein, hanno effettuato una rapina di tutti i beni comuni e i diritti sociali (istruzione, sanità, lavoro, acqua e ambiente).


UNITED AGAINST 133 against precariousness'


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