Yesterday la Camera , con 316 voti a favore e 258 contrari ha votato la fiducia posta dal Governo sull’approvazione del suo decreto già approvato dal Senato, recante Disposizioni in materia di sicure zza pubblica . Ora il testo dovrà tornare al Senato per l’approvazione definitiva, dopo le modifiche apportate in aula. In sede di Commissione infatti era stata stralciata dal pacchetto la contestata norma sui medici-spia e reitrodotte le ronde ed il prolungamento fino a 180 giorni della permanenza nei Cie.
Questo pacchetto sicurezza viene votato con la fiducia degli italiani , oltre che con quella posta dal governo. Se si guarda le tabelle Ipsos, il 65 per cento of Italians are in favor of the rejections of migrants to Libya to Lampedusa . For me it's no surprise: just look at the comments to the news on immigration published by any newspaper (not only free but also Ilcorriere, until you get to Aprile.it). The inhumanity is normal today, it was declared as common sense.
But we also look for glimmers of humanity going upwind and which have, however, brought some results :
The elimination of the rule on doctors and spy on the principals- light, which has been treated at length in this blog is the result of the struggle of hundreds of associations and non-medical, religious or not, (from Doctors Without Borders in S. Egidio), from international pressure but also of common sense shown by the parliamentary majority (the Mussolini Fini). E 'fruit, also the awareness that such a rule may be hazardous to the health of the Italians themselves, after all aware that immigration is an inevitable process. But not only. I believe that these interventions have also been dictated by a sense of humanity that still remains, albeit hidden, in the minds of the Italians and that politicians are having to represent.
for this rare and precious. To be protected, with interventions that promote the integration of people difficult, as those who land on Lampedusa, which is war, violence and often do not have adequate professional training to the already difficult search for a job. It 's true that the right of asylum is sacred, but also hundreds and hundreds of people, after being accepted must be helped to integrate. Otherwise, there is panic. And the fear and the political exploitation ..
remain in the safety rules package very serious and inhuman :
(I put the main points of the excellent summary taken from the site www.meltingpot.org)
1) Weddings and Italian citizenship
Introduction dell’ obbligo di esibire il permesso di soggiorno per chi si vuole sposare . Niente più matrimoni quindi neppure tra "irregolare" ed "irregolare", che non comporterebbe nessun tipo di "regolarizzazione";
2) Ingresso e soggiorno irregolare
Si introduce il reato di ingresso e soggiorno irregolare ma senza che questo comporti l’immediata incarcerazione. E’ prevista un’ammenda da 5.000 a 10.000 euro . Inoltre è prevista la possibilità di rimpatrio senza il rilascio del nulla osta da parte dell’autorità competente;
3) Iscrizione anagrafica
Le istanze di iscrizione o of change of registered residence, may lead to verification by the city office, the health conditions of the property, but only in accordance with health regulations in force. It will go to undermine the rights of the immigrant, the Italian community and the citizens themselves, resulting in a chain on the possibility of access to childcare, the provision of income support, etc etc et;
4) Viewed d ' entry for family reunification
can no longer require a visa if di'ingresso authorization shall not be issued after 180 days of the completion of the practice. It also vanishes the only way of guaranteeing the right to family unity expected to cope with bureaucratic delays;
5) Performance of a residence permit
It introduces the need to show their permit to soggorno for all acts of state civil. This means that even the simple but sacrosanct right to recognize a child , for those without a passport and will be submitted to the filter of the applicant's residence permit. An exception, in addition to that provided for health care, will be awarded for the registration of children at school.
The so-called services money transfer will be required to request permission to stay and keep copies for ten years. Must also communicate the fact of service delivery to the competent authority in the case concerns a person does not have authorization;
6) 180 days of detention in Cie
after bocciattura It reintroduces the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies in ' scope of debate on the decree law No 11, the extension of detention periods in Cie up to a maximum of 180 days;
7) A contribution from 80 to 200 €
For all practices relating to the grant or renewal of residence permits should be pay this contribution to economic
are tightened all the rules related to the facilitation of illegal entry, but are not in any way affected the sanctions with regard to the exploiters. Who, in the exploitation of legal residence, draw an unfair advantage (who employs illegal workers underpaid) will not then aggravated the situation.
Sticker by: http://zarpa-vignette.blogspot.com/
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