When the funeral of Angelo Vassallo starts, the already dark sky begin to fall large drops of rain on the hundreds of people waiting. The small port of Acciaroli is nestled between the village of stone and the beautiful clear water, now dark and choppy. The Bishop's words seem to bring relief to cold and gloomy atmosphere, despite the 11 in the morning. Indicates materialism "the cause of unhappiness and quell'arroganza that turn into violence in some poor people." Receives applause when he said "the violence makes it impossible for our life together, making it uninhabitable and unhappy." But the clamor of clapping explodes uncontrollably, when he exclaims, referring to the killers of Vassallo: "I just hope that these beasts are not among us. Or on the couch watching television!" Then reaffirms confidence in the population of these lands and their commitment to the territory '. It is at that moment that I listen to a group of women, the wind ruffles your hair and the bitter comment: "Words, words, words. For twenty years, only words. "They wear, like many teenagers and children here, in a white shirt with blue writing" You'll always be our Angel. "

A young teacher of San Giovanni a Piro Pollica a neighboring country, it illuminates a moment, telling that in her school today and work a lot on environmental law. Courses for which he had fought for 15 years, the mayor killed. When asked if he now fears for the future of these ideas, look at me with tears in his eyes: "Ora si, a questo punto ho paura".

Uomini in divisa a reggere gli stendardi dei comuni di Caserta e Subiaco, ma anche di Gubbio e di Greve in Chianti, sono ordinatamente schierati attorno al palco da cui si celebra la messa. Guardano al mare cupo, minaccioso anche dentro il porto. Più in là, accanto al profilo della cattedrale si staglia una gigantografia di Angelo Vassallo: si trova probabimente proprio in questo porto in una luminosa giornata di sole che rende il mare di un azzurro brillante. Celebrava le acque cristalline di Acciaroli, che oggi fremono e mugghiano. Mentre la cerimonia va avanti la pioggia si intensifica, si aprono centinaia di ombrelli e parla il vicesindaco: la voce sempre most broken, as they remember the slain, in the reality of daily episodes. He says: "All those here should know that today they did something that they will never forget. Today they have promised to commit Angelo. Now you have promised the mayor of all not to forget. I'm here to all those who I ask for a commitment: to what Angelo did for our town you do it all. "
All have balconies overlooking the crowded square. Like any enclosed space on the port . Pollica Some of elegant ladies, they are close to the tent to protect one of the bars. "There are many people that comes from outside - they say - people like us, we are all people who wanted to be there. Those institutions do not, those are here for the picture. "I ask them what will happen now:" I do not know. He had an extraordinary staff, but without a charismatic figure like hers, who knows. We need someone like him, able to put together the coalition and energy. "

Stuck in a tree near a public fountain in the crank opens and closes like it belonged to a private house, c 'is a sign: "Drink tap water: good, safe, affordable - City of Thumb". A little farther on a huge crate plastic bottles of mineral water. Bring civil defense for his ceremony.
Photo: Ludovic Jona
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