Monday, December 27, 2010
Write On Wristband Canada
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Fishticks Southpark Streaming

Monday, December 13, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
All Kinds Of Tech Decks

Sunday, November 28, 2010
Homemade Motor For A Toy Boat
Two days ago (it was a bit 'of time that does not happen to me) I went down to the metro station of Piazza Vittorio. I had to buy dried beans and chives to try to cook the falafel, having snatched the recipe from an Egyptian boy to one of these friendly meetings of the association Cucimondo ethnic cuisine. But the reason is not important, I say it just to tell you a little 'spirit, relaxed and carefree, with which I headed in the multi-ethnic district of the capital. I started toward the little shop in India that I know, always crowded with young people in West Africa than here, where you can find the ingredients for home cooking, always to be found. It was not the gathering to call my attention dalle fantasie culinarie, ma il tono della voce: "Documenti prego.." Naturalmente non si rivolgeva a me, ma al gruppetto di neri che avevo accanto. L'uomo era in borghese e allora istintivamente gli ho chiesto chi era. A quel punto è spuntato anche uno in divisa e sono stata identificata anche io e anche - chissà perchè - mi è stato chiesto che lavoro facevo. Un controllo di routine, hanno detto. Certo, una normale operazione delle forze dell'ordine, giustificata dalla legge. Però. Che senso di frustrazione, di meschinità . Ma è possibile che i fuori legge si vadano a cercare così, fermandoli in base al colore della pelle, cercandoli nel posto dove cercano un po' di sapore, di calore di casa?
E poi oggi leggo questa testimonianza dell'associazione "Casa dei diritti Sociali". Una organizzazione importante per gli immigrati, a Roma. Ecco proprio qui, bloccando le entrate e le uscite di questa Casa, hanno fatto un altro di questi controlli di routine. Ditemi voi, cosa ne pensate:
"Scriviamo per raccontare quanto è accaduto, il 23 novembre 2010 nel rione Esquilino davanti alla sede della nostra associazione, Focus-Casa dei Diritti Sociali Via G. Giolitti, 225-241. Da anni, grazie agli interventi dello sportello di orientamento e ai corsi di italiano per migranti, molti italiani e stranieri che vivono una condizione di vulnerabilità si rivolgono alla nostra sede per costruirsi un percorso di integrazione. Sanno di poter contare su professionisti (medici, avvocati, insegnanti, assistenti sociali) e attivisti dei diritti umani e volontari dedicati ai "poveri di diritti". Alle ore 17,00 abbiamo visto comparire sul ballatoio cinque poliziotti che si sono posizionati di fronte alla porta del nostro sportello di orientamento, da dove se ne sono andati 45 minuti più tardi, dopo che avevano "conversato" con un nostro Avvocato. Hanno subito iniziato ad identificare tutte le persone evidentemente straniere che uscivano dalla nostra sede. Siamo immediatamente usciti anche noi per chiedere alla polizia cosa stesse accadendo e ci siamo resi conto che c'era un grande dispiegamento di forze dell'ordine, quattordici-quindici volanti presidiavano la strada sulla quale si facing our company, plus access to the gallery was closed by police who were blocking the stairs and the ramp, identifying all the people passing obviously foreign. The police response to our requests for information was: it is a "normal" control operation. Normal control: with canine units, and as coach said fifteen flying everywhere and policemen in uniform and plainclothes. One of the policemen then asked us in our office if there were other foreigners, and we ordered him to get them out to be identified. In response, we asked if they had a warrant, once found that it had lost, we have closed the door trying to buy time and contact our lawyers. At the same time in front of our school, built on two floors, are located more cops, waiting for the students from the lesson in progress. Among the persons detained by officers there was a guy who had with him a residence permit, but only an identity card and after about half an hour was being held we approached to ask if the situation had been resolved and to see if he needed help, the officials immediately cast out and ordered us to leave, even if the person in question was not in custody. Police were there for about two hours out of our home, although after the arrival of our lawyers, the situation has changed, gli agenti si sono allontanati, pur continuando a presidiare la strada e soprattutto hanno smesso di intimarci di far uscire tutti dalle nostre sedi. A noi sembra che queste operazioni (quella del 23 novembre e quella di settembre) non possono essere definite normali operazioni antidroga, come le presentava un agente. Ma un intervento contro l'immigrazione e non solo perché sono state fermate solo persone marcatamente straniere; soprattutto perché tesa ad annullare una zona franca, una sede del dialogo interculturale, quale è Focus-Casa dei Diritti Sociali, una struttura che guarda caso proprio il 23 novembre mattina ha promosso, in rete con le altre "scuolemigranti" e con i CTP e l'Ufficio Scolastico Regionale il convegno " Quale insegnamento dell'italiano nella nuova società interculturale" al Galilei con la partecipazione del Ministero dell'Interno.
dalla Newsletter di
Friday, November 19, 2010
Meadco Scriptx Alternative
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Diabetes 1 More Condition_symptoms
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Star Eye And Pink Eye
Monday, October 25, 2010
Brazilian Waxing Clip
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Thank You Ceremony Program
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Blueprints Wood Swing Set

Se molte Ong, in particolare Oxfam International, hanno sottolineato come la diminuzione del numero di persone che soffrono la fame nel mondo, non è stata determinata dalle donazioni dei paesi ricchi, ma da altri elementi (come due anni di buoni raccolti e la conseguente diminuzione del costo del cibo), la domanda, su qual'è il rapporto tra soldi donati e progressi nella lotta alla malnutrizione, sorge spontanea. Ha provato a rispondervi il giornalista del Guardian Jonathan Glennie , nella nuova sezione del sito del quotidiano britannico, dedicata allo sviluppo globale (
Glennie divide i paesi in via di sviluppo in due gruppi principali, che rappreseno due tendenze contrastanti. Da un lato ci sono Cina, India, Brasile e gran parte dei paesi dell'America Latina, per i quali la diminuzione delle persone malnutrite è stata determinata dall'aumento generale della ricchezza e da alcune politiche statali, con poca incidenza degli aiuti allo sviluppo che rappresentano una percentuale minima del prodotto interno lordo. Dall'altro lato abbiamo un gruppo di paesi più poveri (concentrati prevalentemente in Africa, qualcuno in Asia e pochi in America Latina), dove invece l'aiuto development, which represents a significant proportion of gross domestic product (in Burundi, the percentage reaches 50%), is necessarily relevant.
But how aid affects? To this question the journalist admits he does not have definite answers: "We should know the specific aspects of the policies of the recipient country and the particular forms of help." Explain that in some cases, the donated money may have undermined the economic balance and local politicians with destructive effects, but when it was well managed has yielded good results and changes in people's lives, with little adverse affect. It all depends on each individual case.
The journalist, finally admits that the division of the two groups is rather arbitrary and that there are several countries in the middle.
We can note that the countries where he lives most of the people who suffer from hunger and poverty around the world, in countries that are not following the stereotypical image, but the most common, in order: the economic giants India and China , Nigeria (rich in oil and the second African country with the highest GDP of the continent, after South Africa), Bangladesh and Indonesia. Below, on an equal footing, Tanzania and Ethiopia.
To see a graphical representation:
Photo: a woman selling rice market in Ghana - L. Jona
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Demonstration Of Floor Wiper Exercise
Gainers in the news, especially when there are clashes with Libyan patrol boats for maritime border control. But many of the fishermen in Mazara del Vallo in Sicily - including the crew of the vessel Aries led by Gaspar Brown, were killed yesterday in which the blows of a Libyan patrol boat - received the prize "By Sea" by the High Commissioner UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), for rescuing hundreds of migrants in distress, in the crossing of the Mediterranean. Operations in the dangerous rescue of survivors, these fishermen have often replace the Italian coast guard. With no public reimbursement, but only to enforce the law of the sea, which requires the help to those in need. Here are their stories in first person, I have collected for the revised Charter.
FISHERMEN-EROI of Mazara del Vallo
"After having taken them all on board, I loaned the phone to some girls because the victims' families that they were well. They were polite, educated, you could not fleeing hunger, but to find freedom. Just a little bit 'of freedom! "So says Salvatore Cancemi, Twenty Two captain of the trawler fleet of Mazara del Vallo, awarded UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) who did the most heroic act of saving the migrants in Strait of Sicily in 2008. The award "by sea" of the UN, provides a sum of money (10,000 € for the whole crew) to repay the human commitment, but also economical, which offer the fishermen that lend themselves to the rescue. In addition to the tramp vessels meet at sea, in fact there are numerous cases in which the Coast Guard patrol vessels asked to intervene in the rescue of migrants, because of their boats are more spacious and suitable for reloading. Courses risk not to return it, it for the economic losses. "We operate in rescue simply because this is the law of the sea", they say all respondents. But the risk of losing vital revenue, at a time in severe crisis, the fisheries can push others to look the other way. Especially in the era of forced expulsions.
save 300 in a dark and stormy night
Cancemi and his crew have changed the fate of 299 persons on November 27 last year, when at night they were called by the master's port of Lampedusa, a barge with hundreds of migrants was in difficulties. With the dark, the sea state 8 and the smugglers who, fearing arrest, imposed the lights out, had all the characteristics of an enormous tragedy at sea. It took some time and the experience of captain Cancemi to locate the boat in a stormy sea, raggiungerla e avvicinarla alla costa. “Quando le onde portavano la nostra barca giù e la loro su, saltavano a 20-30 insieme, come pirati! E i nostri ad acchiapparli come tonni. Sempre pescatori siamo..”, racconta Cancemi animandosi al ricordo e mimando le azioni. “Alla fine, quando ho visto che nessuno si era perduto o fatto male, l'emozione è stata enorme e la tensione è scoppiata in un grande pianto liberatorio”. Nell'equipaggio si scherzava anche, per tenere alto il morale, come racconta Francesco Cancemi, il capo macchine del peschereccio: “Cercavo di distrarli, soprattutto le ragazze, che erano ancora spaventatissime! Gli abbiamo dato da bere, da mangiare, vestiti e biancheria arrivati al porto di Lampedusa, there was a crowd waiting for us: we were greeted with long applause. "
The obligation to send them back
Lifeboat not always end with joy: "A story that we never told - Cancemi says - is that a boat of Tunisia, met at the border between Libya's territorial waters and those of Tunisia. There were twenty or taking on water. Before rescue them - remember the captain - we felt the maritime authorities. " The authorization is in fact essential to perform a rescue on the sea, the fishermen may otherwise be charged with aiding and abetting illegal, faces up to 24 years in prison, in addition to the loss of economic activity vital to the whole crew. "We were told to take them on board but to return them to a Tunisian patrol boat that was coming to pick them: when they heard of having to return to Tunisia, those guys were very saddened. And we also - Cancemi says - because we knew that they would be beaten and jailed for months. But at the moment to say goodbye thanked us very much: for saving his life. "
A bundle from the sea in storm
There are two images that will remain forever imprinted in the mind of Peter Russo, captain of the fishing boat "Ghibli". The first is that of a bundle that was given out of the boat while a storm raged: "I opened it and found myself in front of children, very small - he says, and his face lights up - he smiled at me and I forgot everything else. He had a great desire to play, after all that darkness and that to stand still, all crammed into that little boat. " That evening, the Ghibli with vessels Monastir and Aries had been called by the Harbour of Lampedusa to rescue a boat at the mercy of rough seas off the island. "We found ourselves faced with a chilling scene: boys 15 to 16 years were in a boat full of people so incredible, eye 300-350, crying and screaming - Russo says - must act quickly because taking on water. With the help of Monastir and air, we have protected from wind loading. Risky operation. E 'in all the confusion, the first to arrive on board, was the bundle. " See
death in the waves
The other image that Russo will never forget was in 2006. Returning from a fishing boat of migrants who had met him for help. The Russian boat was close, but in the rush to board, or perhaps frightened by some dolphins cavorting behind the vessel, the survivors had all moved to one side and the boat capsized. "We found ourselves having to save twenty people who could not swim: it was a matter of moments. The first approach has been to a couple: We caught her husband, but she did not we did and it was abandoned. Then we learned that he had with him a few months that the child had escaped in the ship capsizing. I saw it go down with the long hair that blacks are stretched in the water. We could not throw to save it because there were another 20 people at sea. At the end we brought ashore 21, at 23 - says the captain, still grieving - but she and the baby there was nothing to do. "
A man alone on a piece of wood
Vito City, Ophel The captain, was on the bridge del suo peschereccio all'alba di un giorno d'inverno del 2007, quando vide all'orizzonte qualcosa che, all'inizio, gli parve una boa: “Ho preso il binocolo e ho visto un braccio che si alzava – dice Cittadino mimando la sorpresa del momento - sono avanzato quei 400 metri cercando di non perderlo di vista. Era un uomo solo su un pezzo di legno, il pavimento di un gommone. Gli ho lanciato un salvagente e poi mi sono proteso per afferrarlo. Cittadino ricorda la paura che gli morisse tra le braccia: “L'ho portato a bordo e gli ho fatto una doccia calda poiché tremava. Dopo 18 ore in mare, aggrappato al pavimento di un gommone, la sua pelle nera era diventata bianca. Aveva perso i sensi, non mangiava, non beveva quasi. Si è ripreso after sleeping 24 hours. He told us that they had started from Tripoli in 47: Mauritanian and many Iraqis, all very young, he already had more than just 24 years. They were all dead. "
Photo: Ludovic Jona
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's making the news headlines of a Libyan patrol boat carrying members of the Italian financial police who yesterday fired on a vessel of Mazara del Vallo guilty for not having stopped immediately by the altar intimatogli 'military boat. But the aggressive attitude of the Libyan security forces against the Italian fishermen, indirectly supported by the increasingly close relations between the two countries, it is not something new. Below is an article of mine published in the weekly paper exactly a year ago. Also suggests that as the reason for the dispute is a different interpretation of the law of the sea.
seized by Libyan patrol boats from Italy DONATE
If it was not a provocation of the President of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, certainly a curious twist of fate. Just recently donated patrol boats from Italy to the Libyan navy to patrol its coastline in order to combat illegal immigration in our country, have been used to seize, from 22 July to 4 August 2009, the trawler fleet of Mazara del Monastir Vallo led by Nicola Asaro, already awarded by the High United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees for having saved several times boats of migrants in distress in the Strait of Sicily. An operation, done under threat of confiscation of fishing vessels in the future we ventured into the strip of sea of \u200b\u200b74 miles around Libya and came on the eve of August 30, the day of 'friendship between Italy and Libya. "
"That border goes against international law that establishes the limit to 12 miles of territorial waters of each country - tell fishermen Mazara - Gaddafi, in a decree of 2005 has assumed the right to define Libyan another 60 miles of international waters rich in fish. But the worst is that the Italian government and our Coast Guard shall endeavor to enforce the rules set by the Libyan dictator unilaterally. " Indeed, the site of the Italian navy reads: By decree 37/2005 of 24 February 2005, Libya has declared a protection zone that extends from the fishing 62 miles from the outer limit of territorial waters (12 miles) and in which jurisdiction is exercised to prohibit, unless authorized by the competent authority, all fishing activities. Annexed to the decree is the "Declaration of a Libyan Fisheries Protection Zone in the Mediterranean" which serves to designate, as the legal basis of the initiative, the Protocol of 1995 relating to the Barcelona Mediterranean areas, especially protected, and several agreements between the FAO in marine conservation.
But the attacks and kidnappings against the Italian vessels date back to well before 2005. Vincenzo Pellegrino, captain of the trawler "Queen" (awarded by the UNHCR for a bailout in 2008), recalls the horror of three months detention in a prison in Tripoli in 1979: "I was in a room with 22 people and 5 sq.m. with a poor meal a day. " Subsequently there have been cases in which the vessels themselves were never returned, causing a huge loss for the owners. In 2000 the Libyan soldiers have even caused the death of a fishing boat crew Orchid, entering and causing a fire in the boat which was fishing 30 miles from the North African coast. In the recent case of kidnapping where the victim was fishing boat Monastir and Tulip, the crews were 18 days in port, avoiding prison, but Asaro - captain of Monastir - recalls with pain, the air of a mockery of a Libyan military months ago, got on his boat recalling the episode of 2000. In addition, the seizure of a month of fish and networks is a huge damage to the vessels: the sum of € 30,000 spent fuel, the value of € 60 to 70,000 and 20,000 of the 4 fishing nets, well over 100,000 €. But the fishermen do not intend to give up Mazara: "Fishing in the sea that we need - Peter Russo says the captain - a fleet of 200 vessels such as that of Mazara del Vallo But can not stay in the shallow waters south of Lampedusa. 74 miles of territorial waters, instead of 12 for all other countries too. " Bishop Domenico Mogavero, Bishop of Mazara del Vallo ruled on the case called for a European interest, but need at least considering that the Italian Government, that the disputed sea area, you can establish rules.
Friday, September 10, 2010
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When the funeral of Angelo Vassallo starts, the already dark sky begin to fall large drops of rain on the hundreds of people waiting. The small port of Acciaroli is nestled between the village of stone and the beautiful clear water, now dark and choppy. The Bishop's words seem to bring relief to cold and gloomy atmosphere, despite the 11 in the morning. Indicates materialism "the cause of unhappiness and quell'arroganza that turn into violence in some poor people." Receives applause when he said "the violence makes it impossible for our life together, making it uninhabitable and unhappy." But the clamor of clapping explodes uncontrollably, when he exclaims, referring to the killers of Vassallo: "I just hope that these beasts are not among us. Or on the couch watching television!" Then reaffirms confidence in the population of these lands and their commitment to the territory '. It is at that moment that I listen to a group of women, the wind ruffles your hair and the bitter comment: "Words, words, words. For twenty years, only words. "They wear, like many teenagers and children here, in a white shirt with blue writing" You'll always be our Angel. "

A young teacher of San Giovanni a Piro Pollica a neighboring country, it illuminates a moment, telling that in her school today and work a lot on environmental law. Courses for which he had fought for 15 years, the mayor killed. When asked if he now fears for the future of these ideas, look at me with tears in his eyes: "Ora si, a questo punto ho paura".

Uomini in divisa a reggere gli stendardi dei comuni di Caserta e Subiaco, ma anche di Gubbio e di Greve in Chianti, sono ordinatamente schierati attorno al palco da cui si celebra la messa. Guardano al mare cupo, minaccioso anche dentro il porto. Più in là, accanto al profilo della cattedrale si staglia una gigantografia di Angelo Vassallo: si trova probabimente proprio in questo porto in una luminosa giornata di sole che rende il mare di un azzurro brillante. Celebrava le acque cristalline di Acciaroli, che oggi fremono e mugghiano. Mentre la cerimonia va avanti la pioggia si intensifica, si aprono centinaia di ombrelli e parla il vicesindaco: la voce sempre most broken, as they remember the slain, in the reality of daily episodes. He says: "All those here should know that today they did something that they will never forget. Today they have promised to commit Angelo. Now you have promised the mayor of all not to forget. I'm here to all those who I ask for a commitment: to what Angelo did for our town you do it all. "
All have balconies overlooking the crowded square. Like any enclosed space on the port . Pollica Some of elegant ladies, they are close to the tent to protect one of the bars. "There are many people that comes from outside - they say - people like us, we are all people who wanted to be there. Those institutions do not, those are here for the picture. "I ask them what will happen now:" I do not know. He had an extraordinary staff, but without a charismatic figure like hers, who knows. We need someone like him, able to put together the coalition and energy. "

Stuck in a tree near a public fountain in the crank opens and closes like it belonged to a private house, c 'is a sign: "Drink tap water: good, safe, affordable - City of Thumb". A little farther on a huge crate plastic bottles of mineral water. Bring civil defense for his ceremony.
Photo: Ludovic Jona
Monday, September 6, 2010
Secondary Bone Cancer More Condition_symptoms

Scuole Medie e Prima Superiore (1996 to 1999):
The course will officially begin Monday 20 / 9 , with the lessons Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 17 to 18 at the athletics track of the sports center G. Scirea " Via Buonarroti
Third, fourth and fifth grade (2000 to 2002):
The course will begin Tuesday 21 / 9 with classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17 to 18 (meeting from 16, 45) at the athletics track of the sports center G. Scirea "Via Buonarroti. Alternatively, it is possible to attend anche un solo giorno alla settimana, con costi differenziati.
Ultimo Anno di Asilo, Prima e Seconda Elementare (dal 2003 al 2005):
Il corso inizierà Martedì 21/9 , con lezioni il martedì e giovedì dalle 17 alle 18 (ritrovo dalle 16,45) presso la palestra della scuola media di piazza Unità d'Italia . A scelta è possibile frequentare anche un solo giorno alla settimana, con costi differenziati.
Per tutti i corsi, diamo la possibilità di frequentare un paio di lezioni di prova senza impegno , prima di iscriversi, per verificare il reale interesse dei ragazzi verso la nostra attività. .
Per qualsiasi informazione e per le iscrizioni siamo a disposizione a partire da oggi, Lunedì 6/9 , presso la pista di atletica del centro sportivo "G. Scirea" di via Buonarroti, dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle 18 alle 19 .
Organizziamo anche il corso di ginnastica per adulti , come per gli anni scorsi, presso la palestra della scuola media di Piazza Unità d'Italia , il martedì and Thursday in two rounds, the first from 18 to 19 and the second from 19 to 20 . Information and registration directly to the gym at the beginning of the course, which will be Tuesday 28 / 9 .
. .
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Ap Biology Lab 5 Manual Answers

for schools the start is scheduled for 8.30 am until 10.30
for primary l 'start is scheduled for 10:45 until 12.45 pm
You are all invited to attend .. athlete who is already in the uniform social , who is not even in shorts and a shirt to go to a nice morning of sport and fun!
ben'accetti Parents will decide where to stay to attend the lecture.
Come along
with us and remember ... there is no bench!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Asperger S Syndrome More Condition_symptoms
Monday, June 14, 2010
Cool Initiation Ideas
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Myammee Bio Before Vh1
Monday, June 7, 2010
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section RESULTS we published times and measures of our young athletes in the race debut of May 30 to Carugate.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Mount And Blade Free Trial
Friday, May 14, 2010
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place a poem by Alda Merini, devoted to Lampedusa. Beautiful
Once I dreamed of being a giant turtle skeleton
with ivory
dragging children and adults, and algae and waste
and flowers and all clung to me,
on my hard rind. I was a turtle
staggering under the weight of love
very slow to understand and quick to bless.
So, my children,
once you have thrown in the water
and you're clinging to my shell
and I have rescued sea turtle
because this is the land
that saves you from death
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Toddler Diarrhea More Condition_symptoms
Combining the splendor of the word and the harshness of reality. Telling: driven from within, burning desire to change, but never without being overwhelmed. This is for me is the model, the ideal of writing, I find in novels, short stories and essays of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1991, Nadine Gordimer. It will be the theme of the meeting and confrontation between whites and blacks during apartheid, masterfully told by his pen, which is never predictable and never boring because narra lasciando che a parlare siano i più profondi impeti, le più nascoste pieghe dell'anima umana. Per questo la sua lettura più di quella di chiunque altro, oggi mi appassiona e consola. Proprio perchè il suo "impegno", non è mai cieco, idealizzante o demonizzante. Ecco alcune sue riflessioni sul tema, che copio dalla raccolta di suoi saggi "Vivere nella speranza e nella storia. Note dal nostro secolo".
"La moralità della narrativa consiste nel prendersi la libertà di esplorare ed esaminare con impavida onestà la morale contemporanea, compresi sistemi morali quali le religioni.
Quando mai gli scrittori hanno potuto eludere la politica, apertamente o implicitamente?
Perhaps the time when slaves and peasants lived in misery, while the sculptors were looking for the perfect proportions of the human body? The period in which the revolutionaries were detained in the prisons of the Tsar and the Grand Dukes Alessantro buildings were built in Nice? The period in which to hungry and unemployed were offered the salvation of a growing fascism while the playboy and the girls danced on the edge holding glasses of pink champagne?
It seems that there is no way to escape that relationship .
Not all writers who weave a relationship with the political bartering the imagination with the hair shirt of a party hack. There is also the case the writer whose imaginative faculty are truly awakened and called into question by the spirit of politics as he experiences it firsthand . It may not be the free choice of Byron. It can be something which is virtually impossible to escape in time and place of social earthquakes.
The role played by literature in enlightening our people, open up their lives in the power and beauty of imagination, he revealed himself through the writer as the depository of its ethos.
E 'of this revelation that they are afraid schemes.
.. but writers, artists of all kinds, are there to split deposits produced by custom and open a gap between the bars that hold captive the sensitivity exist to allow the imagination free to tick as the lush grass in the meadows. "
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Back Pain In Pregnancy More Condition_symptoms

A leg crippled by polio did not stop his desire for justice. And Kuhu Das, work and family has left to found the Association of Women With Disabilities and employment of disabled girls in the slums of India. support in our struggle for their rights, against physical barriers but also mentally.
"I can start the interview with a song?" Before you get a response, Kuhu Das creates a sweet and melancholy song eastern sporting a beautiful female voice. Then he stops and returns to the usual resolute tone: "Want to know what the words mean? Here:" I do not get treatment, do not get respect, I have no dignity, I have a terrible life. " This is what the song says. " And this is the situation of disabled women in India, tells us how the young director dell'Awwd (Association of Women With Disabilities).
abuse and exclusion
"Disabled women in India suffer in silence a violence that goes by the lack of care and the deprivation of the right to education, to real physical and psychological abuse and proper. This happens from the family, to the reception centers, "he said, stressing that the problem tends to be ignored even by organizations that deal with human rights." Not at conferences on women's rights, or in meetings for the protection of disabled if they want to talk. So, I must always speak out! "With big bright eyes and a ready sense of humor, Kuhu has come, in spite of the leg crippled by polio, more road than his young face would believe. Beginning with the creation of one of the first associations for the protection of disabled women in India, the first in which the shareholders and 60 -70 percent of the staff is made up of girls with disabilities.
"I can not walk without crutches because of polio, which I had in three years. Growing up with this disability, I faced many obstacles in my life," says Kuhu explaining the path that led her to found and direct the Awwd. "The first challenge came from his relatives and family friends. Many of them said to my mother that he must have done something wrong in his past life, for being punished with a disabled child." Kuhu says that despite criticism, the mother was very strong, sustainable way to school and complete his education. So Kuhu graduated, took a master's degree in mass communication and began working in the field of empowerment women in India. "But women's organizations, it never worked for the rights of disabled people and asked them to take care when told to do it myself," he says. "It was a challenge for me, but I've decided. I quit my job, my family and I founded this association."
In mid 2002, so did the Awwd, the first Indian association which takes care of women with disabilities involving some of the beneficiaries in work support and social integration and employment of other girls. A huge challenge in a country where, as Kuhu complaint, "the 40 million disabled women are twice as many victims of aggression and violence, than normal cells, but are also the least protected and assisted. "And where" forced sterilization is a risk of all women with disabilities, especially mentally. "" In general in Central Asia - said Kuhu - woman's role is to marry and have children, but if you are disabled you will not be a good mother, a good housewife. If you have a deformity, you're beautiful. So no one will marry you. And no one considers you a complete woman .
Awwd The director goes on to describe the situation that daily fights his association: "The girls with disabilities are already very oppressed in their families: no one thinks they should have the opportunity to study, on each investment of them is considered a waste of money. Are left at home and that's it. They are told over and over that people are useless, so who are beginning to be convinced themselves. Dell'Awwd fundamental aspect of the work, which currently operates in 15 areas of the country, benefiting about 5,000 girls, is therefore a priority: "To make them understand, that no person is useless, everyone is a human being and has the potential to be used at most, you should be ashamed of their disability. This will lead girls to have a dialogue with the rest of society, to demand the respect and consideration they deserve. "
restore confidence
" When we start to work in a new area, we sit down and discuss with women looking for a long time to pull out their anger, the abuse, but also the desires that have never been able to express. "Then the association seeks to support individual projects with material resources, such as wheelchairs and computers, and training courses. "But the path of awareness is not easy nor fast - Kuhu says - is a work on the girls but also about their family that lasts 2-3 years . It 'difficult, especially in the slums with a Muslim majority, where the community has more traditional ideas. "This group are created:" So the girls can support each other, express their suffering and understand the loro diritti, per poter rispondere agli abusi, fisici e psicologici di cui sono vittime". Le attività lavorative in cui le ragazze, vengono inserite sono soprattutto lavori di cucito e piccole attività commerciali. "Quando iniziano a guadagnare dei soldi, nelle famiglie cominciano a rispettarle di più".
"Abbiamo molte storie di successo! " Esclama Kuhu, mostrando le foto di alcune delle sue ragazze, raccolte in un calendario nella sede di Pangea Onlus , la ong italiana che sostiene alcuni progetti di Awwd. "Presto ho capito che nell'associazione non potevo fare tutto da sola, avevamo bisogno di varie altre leader come me. Così abbiamo formato alcune delle ragazze che erano state beneficiarie empowerment groups, the leadership of new groups. "This role has not found obstacles in the lack of mobility or views of some women staff Awwd. " Tabassum is blind but has become a very courageous leader "," Soni , which has a physical disability, he reasoned that Ayesha is blind, "" She was badly abused, but failed to react "," Banya has created a small business producing incense sticks ".. And then there are Nisha as those who had never gone to school because of his physical disability, but after getting training for the opening of a business has become a small entrepreneur who is a trainer and promoter group empowerment. Now he considers "a businesswoman and an employer." Economic independence is essential, Kuhu says: "Now the whole community is careful to talk to these girls."
also published in the journal Vps (Volunteer Development):